Oops… Better Late than Never?

The trees are showing signs of spring

The trees are showing signs of spring

Winter has a ways to go in some parts of the country, but here in Oregon, the sun is out and it feels like we might be through the deepest darkest of winter. Daffodils are poking up. Ahhh. I have been enjoying the cozy, inward quiet this winter, but perhaps too much.

January came and went without my newsletter getting done. Instead, it’s been a season of reading & writing, sitting by the fire with hot tea and self-reflection on what’s to come in the year ahead.  Lots of attention to waiting and listening to the deep whispers of soul and spirit. Not necessarily a whole lot of answers pouring forth from the depth.   This New Year started off slow and quiet for me. At first I enjoyed what I felt was “deep winter” silence and stillness. That soon wore off and became winter flatness and threatened early signs of depression. (As we had sun for the first time in months, my mood lifted significantly, and I was reminded about SAD, too.)
That wasn’t welcome, but I know the value to “being where you’re at” and riding the energy. We know intellectually that we are all connected but when emotional waves threaten to take us down, do we recall that there are larger forces at play. Larger energy fields expressed as weather, astrology/astronomy, economy, etc. When millions are suffering, am I expected NOT to feel that?
Gratefully with enough experience navigating myself and others through the channels, (and great support from wise buddies) I turned to skills and practices that I know work. I know because I have used and taught them for 20 plus years. We teach what we need to learn, remember?

Stepping Up and Stepping Forward in 2010

2010 is the year for bold steps

2010 is the year for bold steps

It appears that what was meaty and meaningful in 2009 is not so engaging for 2010. This has been a surprise, but I hear it echoed in the thoughts and writings of others. Rather than the next step, it appears to be waiting for the next BIG step

What insights and experiences did you harvest from 2009? Is your life where you want it to be? Below are some ideas to propel you into a beautiful 2010, which portends to be a big one.

“The world is calling is us to come alive immediately.” Rickie Byers Beckwith

Aren’t you feeling that? That seems to be the prevailing wind of 2010, thus far. Get reconnected with your passion and your truth. What is the dream that is living in your heart that you are too afraid to do (or be)? If you know you have gifts to give, but don’t know what they are or how to do it, start now. Somewhere, somehow.

“Often we are waiting for an invitation to a party instead of throwing our own party,” Katherine Woodward Thomas.

What party are you waiting for someone else to throw? Who are you hoping will do your dream for you? Often we are striving to do some big thing, but we don’t see the options that are right there, next door, down the street, in your family or neighborhood. What’s the smallest thing you can do to fulfill your purpose? Just take one step. Then bloom where you are planted.

I am hearing the call of the Awakening Divine Feminine. She is awakening in all of us and wants our participation, big time. We are being called to step out into our power and purpose more grandly and gorgeously than most of us have dared. But it is time. Beauty unleashed, radiance revealed. What are you waiting for? Let your soul shine.

Here’s to your path of Radiant Clarity,

Blessings, Claire

Divine Connection with Self and Source

Finding your divine connection through quieting the mind

Finding your divine connection through quieting the mind

Lately my own connection with Source is the guide and rudder for my life.   Remembering time to sit in stillness and listen, to reconnect with the truth of who I am, separate from the story my mind tells me about my life. I feel blessed and grateful to have this open line communication with the wisest guide of my life. Writing has always been a connection tool for me, so connecting with Source and listening that way is a big piece. Mindful meditation and embodied prayer are delicious gifts that I give myself permission to practice more and more. Creative play and time outdoors are key too.

It’s amazing the direct clear feedback we can get and how valuable that is. I don’t know how people live without it. Even knowing the value of this process it is easy to get distracted and slip out of practice or forget to check in about life’s concerns that can constantly plague us. No wonder we get so confused about our lives!   When we pay attention to our inner experience expressing in outer form (our lives) usually we start to notice blocks to full expression, negative thoughts, or underlying limiting beliefs. Ready for clearing. Lately I love the simple creative elegance of Belief Closet Process, developed by my dear friend Lion Goodman. (BeliefCloset.com) I have found deeply embedded unconscious beliefs surfaced and cleared, permanently, in a shockingly short amount of time. Just what we need: beautiful! I am thrilled to share this work, so call or email me for more info or to apply for a complementary BeliefCloset Process Session. I am a chartered certified BeliefCloset practitioner.

Now the path is to stay clear and open. To recognize and clear false or limiting beliefs as they emerge. Harvest them during the funky, out-of-alignment moments we all have. And come back to truth and clarity about who we are and why we are each here. (What joy!)  We all have a unique destiny that we are compelled towards. As our hearts and souls call out, our egos (in effort to maintain safety) can lure us away.

It’s important to notice and acknowledge the fears or concerns of the ego, before creating tremendous setbacks or allowing roadblocks to pop up. These are warnings and good to heed. Just not always to live life around.

There is deep value of listening to the calling of the soul. So if you notice feeling stuck, frustrated or negative about some moment or aspect of your life, take a moment to acknowledge it, whatever its content or quality may be. Try not to get hooked by the story. Then see what it is trying to teach or show you. And take a small action to create a shift to more clarity and alignment with your Self and Source. Use practices that bring you to that connection. I promise it will be worth it, wherever it may lead you.

P.S. For more on Lion’s BeliefCloset Process check out: BeliefCloset.com. He is offering several intro teleclasses March 9 and 24 at 5:30 Pacific, that will be no cost and HIGH value. His process is easy and extraordinarily inexpensive to learn. Of course, you can call or email me for info or a complementary BeliefCloset Process Session.

Inspiring Opportunities

Here is a great action on behalf of women everywhere. Participate in if you feel inspired to action:

Join me with Dr. Jean Shinoda Bolen in her intention to gather 10,000 signatures to take to the UN in March to support a 5th World Conference on the Status of Women. (The last one was in China in 1995) This week over 700 people signed up and now we’re up to 7178 signatures! CLICK HERE to sign the petition now.

This 5th gathering of women from all nations of the Earth promises to be what Jean calls the “tipping point” for humanity in the direction of creating greater well-being for all peoples everywhere. Here is the link:


Belief Closet Intro teleclass (free)
Tuesday March 9 @ 5:30 (pacific)
BeliefCloset.com for details and sign up

How It Works: The BeliefCloset Process is an easy-to-learn, easy-to-use tool for transmuting old beliefs into the shining light of creative power.  Open the door to your Belief Closet, where you can change your beliefs as easily as you change your clothes. Awakening the Divine Feminine-Step into a Radiant YOU  – A Day Retreat Date: April 2010
Location: TBA, Rogue Valley, Oregon   Investment: $95 (includes catered lunch) For far too long women have relegated connection to Spirit through male deity as God. And accessed through religious power structures created by and for men. What is lost when we no longer see ourselves as divine beings reflected in this heavenly play? What then happens to the balance  of life? At this critical time in our world, it is imperative that we re-enliven this disregarded half. Then through union of the divine masculine and feminine, we can restore balance and harmony, for the good of life on Earth. It is time.

Join a cadre of women seeking to experience the  Sacred Feminine that is re-emerging. In a variety of creative and reflective practices we will remember  the sacred She inherent in our feminine life experience and body wisdom. Enjoy and express this Divine Feminine in your life, so that everyday becomes aligned, whole and sacred. Unleash the unique beauty and radiance that is you! The day will be filled with arts, creativity and wellness inspired to increase connection with Self, Source, and soul sisters. CALL TO REGISTER OR QUESTIONS:  541.659.7284 or RadiantClarity.com

Awaken Your Divine Connection- A Day Retreat for Seekers
Date: April 2010
Location: TBA, Rogue Valley, Oregon   Investment: $95 (includes catered lunch)

You know the Divine is within-but are you in contact every day?
Your life feels guided by Source, but are the details clear?

It is possible to connect directly to Divine Wisdom. Whether you call that God, Higher Self, Jesus, Great Spirit, or Goddess: it is available to you.

Enjoy day to rejuvenate and connect to Self and Source. Explore ancient and modern techniques for accessing inner wisdom and guidance. Connect to intuition in ways that bring clear, direct information.

Discover methods to get answers to life’s big questions (like your divine purpose) and the guidance to move forward. Clear obstacles that are barriers to your highest good. Understand the reasons these are in place and how to release them.

You will learn:
~Tools to connect to Source wisdom (regardless of your personal spiritual path)
~ How to clear obstacles or fears that prevent you from getting or using this information
~ Common barriers that obstructs us from getting the answers we need
~ Resources and methods to for on-going growth, after the workshop “glow”

CALL TO REGISTER OR QUESTIONS:  541.659.7284 or RadiantClarity.com

Living Your Divine Life NOW

Date:April 2010
Location: Rogue Valley, Oregon   Investment: $10

Does your life feel lacking in meaning or direction? You know you have a reason for being here, yet it keeps slipping away. Frustrated, lost, confused, disillusioned, you believe there is something more to your life, but don’t know how to get there. At times you feel connected, then your dream fades and your life is filled with yearning, again.
It doesn’t have to be like this.

You can discover who you are at your essence, and learn the specifics of your life purpose and other big questions.

You can:
* Know your reason for being here & what you are meant to do
* Awaken new possibilities for your life purpose
* Clear limiting beliefs and get new ideas for old problems
* Make decisions directed by your connection to Divine Wisdom

Many are finding joy, hope and clarity with answers they need to live their Big Dream. Why wait? Join Claire for a lively interactive discussion about finding and living your soul’s calling.

You will learn:
* Ways to mine your life experience for purpose information.
* Why obstacles prevent you from achieving your goals.
* Tools for success in clearing blocks and finding your purpose.
* Resources and support for getting clarity about your life questions.


IDEA: Invite me to visit, YOU come free. Gather 10 friends at a location of your choice to a day-long, signature Radiant Clarity Soul Spa Retreat and you attend for no charge. (Travel and accommodations not included.) Themes are seasonally inspired for spiritual rejuvenation in weary modern life. This would include a series of activities woven into an experience, customized to your setting and group. Soul Spa Day Retreat topics include: Living Your Divine Life NOW, Awakening Your Soul Connection. Activities could include guided & silent meditation, Soul Art project (easy, fun and gorgeous), Body Wisdom Yoga and time in nature. The sky’s the limit, but I have some great ideas to start us off.

Could this be as good as it sounds? Here’s what participants have said:

Just a belated thank you for the presentation that you did. I liked everything about it… you really hit the mark. Hope you have heard as much positive feedback as I have. K. Miller, Executive Director, Grants Pass, OR
I realized the collage we did at our retreat had real value in my life and served as a tangible reminder not only of daily personal aspirations, but also of a very special weekend with my dearest friends. It catches my eye and reminds me of the values to strive towards. A very belated thanks again for making our “bachelorette” weekend retreat so memorable. Tamara G., Arcata, CA
Thank you again for coming to Sage College and presenting a really special program. I hearing that many of the women who attended are still talking about it, and even spreading the “good news”. For me it was beautiful, touching and profound. T. St George, Troy NY
We are all very grateful for your direction and expertise with our daughters and appreciate your skill and patience with the mothers as well. Hope you are doing lots of the same type of ceremonies for other women as well. Marietta Y., Chester Springs, PA
My life changes for the better when I have participated in an event led by Claire.  She is a very talented Art Therapist with gifts leading
guided imagery and collage. Martha S., Grants Pass OR
I admire Claire’s creative process. She integrates her own life’s path into her art work and brings the wisdom of her experience and intuition to her clients and workshop participants. She is sensitive to the process of others. She is a skilled listener and facilitator who is attuned to the spoken and unspoken needs of others and does not impose any belief system. She asks key questions and brings her observations tempered with compassion. I wholeheartedly recommend Claire Sierra as a person with integrity, wisdom and finely tuned counseling skills. Marcy T., Cave Junction, OR