The Magdalene Experience

Are You Drawn to Mary Magdalene?

Mary Magdalene is a portal to embodied Feminine Soula beacon of the Sacred Feminine that was veiled for centuries. She’s awakening in women (and a few enlightened men) today.

A lost goddess hiding in plain sight in the Christian gospels, she is a potent and compelling guide for modern day women–regardless of your religious background or spiritual path. Many are feeling the call to connect and learn more.

Are you struggling for clarity about a confounding question or challenge that keeps you from your highest expression and calling?
Are you navigating transition, facing challenges or big changes, no longer able to do life the way you have been?
Are you at the cusp of something new & unformed, ready to feel and embody a different version of yourself, rooted in the Divine Feminine?


Receive the healing, rejuvenating energy of Magdalene in a private session with Claire Sierra, author/founder of The Magdalene Path(TM). Experience Her hidden mysticism and archetypal wisdom. Reconnect with a lost lineage of spiritual sovereignty and wholeness that we never knew was possible. Take it in: feel and live this in your body.

Activate your feminine essence and balance your inner masculine, for increased ease, grace and flow in everyday life. Address challenges and stuck spots, clear limiting beliefs and stuck mental or emotional patterns with tools that engage your embodiment.

Embark on A Journey of Connection

Imagine an experience where you align with Mary Magdalene and glimpse who you’re becoming.
Re-Balance & Center as you receive the Magdalene Blessing, Holy Oil anointing, and energy transmission. Ask questions and receive timely, aligned guidance about your life path. Bathe in your embodiment of Divine wisdom & grace.

Access Magdalene Mysteries through a divinely guided personal message from Mary Magdalene,  The Magdalene Path, or Magdalene Oracle cards. All rooted in the Divine Feminine paradigm and the ancient/future lineage of the Priestess.

This soul-centering experience is personally crafted for your needs and desires. Choose from things such as: sacred oil anointing, meditation, soul coaching, energy healing, belief clearing, and oracle card reading. Discover deep inner connection, with awareness and insights about your life that feel clarifying and soul-aligning.


Each session is customized and unique for you. following the intuitive flow of Claire’s 30 year experience as an Expressive Arts Therapist and spiritual counselor in consultation with you,  we map your session path together. It may flow like this:

  • Presence your challenge or question to determine your session’s direction.
  • Be guided into inner embodied connection through gentle meditation ritual, breath-work, and sacred oil anointing.
  • Connect with Mary Magdalene’s energy through Claire Sierra or be guided to tap deeply into your own body wisdom.
  • Discuss and gather insights via Soul Coaching. With belief and energy clearing as necessary.
  • Experience Rose Reiki or the Magdalene Blessing–a potent energy healing transmission from The Magdalene Path.
  • Receive Soul Guidance through a Magdalene Oracle card reading or personal message from Magdalene.
  • Explore post-session activities to bring the insights fully into your body, soul and life.

Experience this 60 minute session virtually using Zoom. We create sacred space and it’s really lovely.
Or you can experience this in person at Spa Sanctuary at Balch Hotel in the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon.

PLUS you get the recording of the session, to review and re-experience. (Clients have reported that re-listening is like a second session for free–powerful and highly recommended!)

“I have always loved Mary Magdalene, and here was an opportunity to work with her. I had no expectations but a big question. It was beautiful! And I received the right message, which allowed me to be able to consider other possibilities.”–MaryBeth A, Hood River, OR
“Claire holds you with grace in the sacred Magdalene’s love, gently guiding you to the answers within… allowing a softening around your own unknowing. She brings you clarity, kindness and peace about sticky spots in your life.” — Paula F., Healdsburg, CA
“As a client, your work is magic in the way lives are transformed from superficial and disconnected, to deeply experienced and intuitively, divinely connected. Coaching. Counseling. Guidance. Advising. Healing. Your sessions are all of this. And more. Calling what you do “coaching” doesn’t do it justice. You are an alchemist.” – Paula T., Chico, CA
“It was a magnificent and deeply healing/nourishing experience! Two months later I’m still experiencing the after-effects of this session. My life has changed remarkably. Thank you, Claire!” — Paulette R., Bellingham, WA

60 minutes: $200
On Line or In Person

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*If your finances are such that paying this much would mean foregoing food or shelter, then let’s talk. In the spirit of inclusivity and equity, I want this to be accessible and to feel good to us both.

ancient future woman with flowers

Magdalene Sanctuary Experience – Deep Dive

Combine the Magdalene Session with Spa Sanctuary Treatments

Bless yourself with the best of both experiences, alchemized into luscious Deep Dive session.

Imagine a fusion of intuitive soul coaching addressing your most pressing Feminine Soul challenges and initiations, plus a personal encounter with the essence of Mary Magdalene AND a Spa Sanctuary treatment like Rose Reiki, Facial, Anointing or AromaTouch.

This deep dive weaves all the goodness of the Magdalene Session synthesized into a rich deep dive of spa replenishment.

With this customized experience you choose from a menu of delights. We meet to discuss your query and intention, to set a direction together. You can enjoy a direct connection and personal message from Mary Magdalene received by Claire Sierra,  Magdalene oracle card reading, intention setting, belief clearing, sacred oil anointing, grounding ritual, energy clearing, Magdalene Blessing energy healing, (and a spa treatment of your choice) We weave in soul coaching to address your particular concerns using cutting edge tools that get results–held in a sacred space with an experienced art therapist & soul coach as your guide.

I was at a crossroads and I was stuck, and I didn’t know which way I was supposed to go… I was prompted to make an appointment with you, out of the blue. It was beautiful! I received a message, which allowed me to be able to consider other possibilities and move forward. I got exactly what I needed.” Mary Beth A., Hood River, OR

2 hours $400
In Person at Spa Sanctuary at the Balch Hotel

Reserve your session here.Buy Now Button