Feminine Soul Guidance2023-07-20T02:35:23+00:00

Embody Your Divine Feminine Connection.

Every. Day. 

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Embody Your Divine Feminine Connection.
Every. Day. 



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End Overwhelm, Fatigue & Unclarity…

Awaken, Empower & Embody Your Feminine Soul

We’re in a time of big changes, sister. Recent years revealed how out of balance things are. Life is not going “back to normal.” We’re churning towards a great shift.

The old patterns and ways of being aren’t working anymore. The exhaustion, confusion, frustration and despair isn’t manageable.

Women are tired of working so hard for things that no longer bring meaning. And many feel unsure of their path, but don’t know what’s next.

Here’s what I discovered, sister: we’ve been sourcing our power from the wrong place. It worked for a while (for some) but now it’s draining not fueling us. Life energy, joy, vitality, and passion are sacrificed. (It’s unsustainable for the planet, too.)

It’s time to shed the ways of the old that’s dying. But how to get there?

Discover More Ease, Grace & Flow….

Access a new way of being: Source your magic and power from your Feminine Soul. Reawaken your Divine Feminine self, in balance with (not hijacked by) your masculine side.

Live an embodied connection with your Divine self. Embrace the brilliance you were intended to be.

Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul

  • Stop hurting: Release doubts, blocks, fears, & confusion that are derailing you.
  • End Exhaustion: Get off the hamster wheel of manic Doing.
  • Find home in your own body temple: Feel juicy and alive, not dried up or worn out.
  • Access your Divine Guidance: Find clarity about your evolving path.
  • Embody your Feminine Soul wisdom: Access Ease, Grace & Flow
  • Express your creative spirit authentically: Shine your soul beauty confidently.
  • Feel courageous & inspired: Take steps that feel aligned with your calling.

A New Portal: Your Magdalene Magic

Reconnect with a lineage of feminine spirituality that empowers you.

Explore the hidden mysticism and lost teachings of Mary Magdalene. As a portal to embodied Feminine Soul she’s so much more than we were told. And so are you.

Unveil your own Divine Feminine guidance. Access your own wisdom path.

Activate your Feminine Soul in harmony with Masculine Power. Release man-mode, old wounds and patriarchal patterning.

Discover an infinitely more inspired, revitalized, magical you.

Awakening the path the Divine Feminine Soul brings us back into harmony with our true nature. This is your birthright. Join our sisterhood.

Enter the Temple: Align with Your Feminine Soul

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Success Stories…

“Coaching with you has been a really profound experience that has shifted my energy in ways that have made my happiness and engagement in life possible. Not just “that was nice”—this work has really changed things! First,  finding the source of my bliss in a very practical and present way. Then really seeing and embracing what’s gotten in the way. These private sessions have been really stellar and life-shifting, thank you!

I really didn’t know dreams could come true in such detail. This is all a living dream.”

Carol V., Santa Rosa, CA

“I started out feeling totally overwhelmed, overworked, with no free time. Coaching with you has allowed me to create creative space for myself, which feels good. I’m not pushing myself so hard, I’m learning to play againIt’s a change,  instead of beating myself up for not working more.  My intention was to have easier flow and more connection with Spirit,  so that I don’t have to work so hard to get wherever I am going next in life.

I feel eased up again. Things are moving in the right direction.”

Mary R., Cave Junction, OR

“The depression I was slipping in and out of was starting to be more life consuming. I was thinking I had to do something–that I might need to go on medication or something. Instead, this work with you brought me back to the core of who I am—rather than staying in the old beliefs that I’d been conditioned into.

The shift has been huge, life altering. Thank you!

Rhonda L., Kerby, OR

I was in a high-level coaching program, but was paralyzed & not making progress. I couldn’t figure out why. Claire understood my roadblock. She introduced new way to look at what was happening that was simple–and she guided me through, to my power and my voice. I feel more confident and empowered in my work. And I’m getting new clients: as my inner landscape shifts the outer results are too. Instead of forcing, now it’s happening through organic unfoldment.

Claire is intuitive, very nurturing, yet also firm — a good blend. She has a really rare gift.” 

Janell D., Issaquah, WA

I was dealing with depression, anger, and frustration; confused about all the chronic patterns around me.  I wondered, why don’t things get better?  It was too challenging to do on my own.  I  ran off of fear, adrenaline, and anxiety. I learned the hard way how unsustainable this way of being is. Claire’s  guidance, anchored in the Divine Feminine, showed me how to source energy that is replenishing rather than draining.

I highly recommend working with Claire to create a fulfilling, meaningful life!

Monique D., Stuttgart, Germany

“I felt lost, going in circles, kind of depressed. When I started thinking, “who am I, what am I doing?” I knew I needed to make some changes and I couldn’t do it by myself.  You helped me remember what my goals and dreams are. I now feel empowered to make  changes. I’ve been able to become more conscious of patterns rather than go into a negative cycle. I learned tools and they’re becoming ingrained in me. Now I feel a lot more positive, when I hit challenges it’s for hours not days.

One of the biggest things from our time together is recovering the visionary soul part of me, and integrating that into my day to day life. You helped me bring the sparkle back, the magic is what makes life worth living.”

Stacey W., Cave Junction, OR

“Claire thank you so much for bringing this Feminine Soul wisdom to light. It’s helping to fuel my transformation, to know more fully about what was lost—this feminine way of being–to respect it and how to bring it back.

It’s making me feel very justified and worthy of myself in a new ways.

Christine R., Grants Pass, OR

Inspiration For The Path:

Articles to Ignite Your Clarity, Connection, Courage & Creativity

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