
Are you listening to your Soul Wisdom in 2010?

This New Year started off slow and quiet for me. At first I enjoyed what I felt was “deep winter” silence and stillness. That soon wore off and  became winter flatness and threatened early signs of depression. (As we had sun for the first time in months, my mood lifted significantly, and I was reminded of  SAD, too.)

That wasn’t welcome, but I know the value to “being where you’re at” and riding the energy. We know intellectually that we are all connected but when emotional waves threaten to take us down, do we recall that there are larger forces at play. Larger energy fields expressed as weather, astrology/astronomy, economy, etc.When millions are suffering am I expected NOT to feel that?

Gratefully with enough experience navigating myself and others through the locks, (and great support from wise buddies) I turned to skills and practices that I know work. I know because I have used and taught them for 20 plus years. We teach what we need to learn, remember?

Lately my own connection with Source is the guide and rudder for my  life. Remembering time to sit in stillness and listen, to reconnect with the truth of who I am, separate from the story my mind tells me about my life. Writing has always been a connection tool for me, so connecting with Source and listening that way is a big piece. Its amazing the direct clear feedback we can get and how valuable that is. I don’t know how people live without it. No wonder we get so confused about our lives!

From there noticing and clearing negative thoughts, linked to limiting beliefs. That is key. And lately I love the simple creative elegance of Belief Closet Process, developed by my dear friend Lion Goodman. ( I have found deeply embedded unconscious beliefs surfaced and cleared, permanently, in a shockingly short amount of time. Just what we need, beautiful! I am thrilled to be share this work, so call or email me for more info or to apply for a complementary BeliefCloset Process Session. I am a certified BCP practitioner.

Now the path is to stay clear and open. To recognize and clear false or limiting beliefs as they emerge. Harvest them during the funky, out-of-alignment moments we all have. And come back to truth and clarity about who we are and why we are each here. (What joy!)  We all have a unique destiny that we are compelled towards. As our hearts and souls call out, our egos (in effort to maintain safety) can lure us away.

It’s important to notice and acknowledge the fears or concerns of the ego, before creating tremendous setbacks or allowing roadblocks to pop up. These are warnings and good to heed. Just not always to  live life around.

My job is to stay open and receive. To share the value of listening to the calling of the soul. Then to bring this clarity and hope  to others. And share ideas, perspectives, tools and processes for you to use daily.

So if you notice feeling stuck, frustrated or negative about some moment or aspect of your life, take a moment to acknowledge it, whatever its content or quality may be. Try not to get hooked by the story. Then see what it is trying to teach or show you. And take a small action to create a shift to more clarity and alignment with your Self and Source. Use practices that bring you to that connection. I promise it will be worth it, wherever it may lead you.

P.S. For more on Lion’s BeliefCloset Process check out: He is offering several intro teleclasses Feb 8 (today) and March 9 and 24 at 5:30 Pacific, that will be no cost and HIGH value. His process is easy and extraordinarily inexpensive to learn. Of course you can call or email me for info or a complementary BeliefCloset Process Session.