Surprise Gift: Empowering Resource for You


Breaking Down Barriers That Keep You Small Grab your calendar real quick because I've got a sweet gift for you. (And don't worry... I'm not going to ask you for a thing. This is 100% value just for you.  Completely and totally free.) I talk with women everyday who are not feeling fulfilled, inspired or on-purpose in their lives. They feel invisible, not hear, not supported. I've got a great resource if that resonates with you. Heather DeVore (a new friend and local Portland based therapist, coach) has just pulled together some amazing experts in the field of personal transformation and

Surprise Gift: Empowering Resource for You2016-05-07T12:22:48+00:00

Embodying the New Eve + Insider Invite


What if We Got Her Story All Wrong?   With autumn upon us, thoughts turn to changing leaves and Fall Harvest….apples, pumpkins, etc.  How timely that Bella Mia magazine has just released our latest issue, The Truth About Eve, featuring that iconic apple-wielder herself. (With a gorgeous photo of Southern Oregon's Renee Jeffus on the cover—yum!) So I wanted to send you my article, Embodying the New Eve, (which I’ve excerpted for you below). It's by far the most edgy confrontation of traditional beliefs that I’ve written for mainstream press. It excites and terrifies meto share it with you. This whole issue really bumps up against cultural

Embodying the New Eve + Insider Invite2015-10-08T08:00:59+00:00

How to Love How You Look, (No Matter What)


The body and how we look is such a source of conflict for many women. It seems we can’t live with it and we can’t live without it. We are compellingly drawn to beauty: in ourselves, in others, in things, in life. Sometimes women are scorned as superficial for this pursuit, but I’ve come to recognize this as an intrinsic soul quality of the Feminine, which is why we are so enchanted by it. Many of us are blind to our own beauty, though. We’ve been conditioned to believe so many things about our own value and worth—many of which

How to Love How You Look, (No Matter What)2015-09-13T16:47:00+00:00

Juicy Creativity, Sensuality and Aliveness


It's almost the weekend, but before I head off line, (One of my Soul Care practices, how radical is that?) I want to share about something coming up in just over a week. You may have seen mention but I want to call your attention. Good News! SisterSoul Salon comes to Cave Junction! How do we manifest from our Feminine Center? What if CREATIVITY is a Spiritual Tool or Practice that keeps you aligned with Feminine Soul? Because that is the key: If we truly trust guidance, our connection to (and as)  Goddess/ Source in human form, we must shift

Juicy Creativity, Sensuality and Aliveness2015-03-06T08:20:38+00:00

Footsteps on the Path of Joy


I've been moving through some big breakthroughs, these past few weeks. How 'bout you? I'm leaning in to what works for me  (See Getting Your Groove Back-Time Tested Tricks, Tools and Totems) It's been week of big reflections in my world that have made it really apparent that even when things look good, I'm not there to enjoy them. I'm so focused on what I need to do to be successful in the future, that I am virtually MISSING my NOW. Freedom (c) 2013 Claire Sierra, MA I'm so busy trying to get to some nameless "there" that

Footsteps on the Path of Joy2013-09-20T13:42:20+00:00

The Magdalene Path is being born….


I really am in the final edit of The Magdalene Path. The cover is updated (again!) and near completed. The subtitle is changed too:  Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul. These things have their own timing. I'm not totally in control. How Divine Feminine is that? I've finally surrendered judging myself for how the process is NOT going. I'm in-joying what is. (Which is a lot!) We've been  busy editing, designing bookmarks and CREATING A NEW WEBSITE!!! Here's sneak peek. Check out When you go there, you can download a juicy preview chapter from the book, that reveals

The Magdalene Path is being born….2013-09-14T16:05:16+00:00

Getting Your Groove Back


These last few weeks have been feeling pretty funky at Bliss Breakthrough. Ironic? Yeah. Recently it's felt like life is moving in retrograde motion -- not really moving backwards, but not moving forward either. Trips, projects, plans stall or start to fall apart. Bleh. And I hear this from others, too.... What happens for you when things start to go sideways? How do you cope? How do you get your groove back? You know:divine alignment, flow, timing, grace, and ease.... Lately I've been leaning in to what works for me. Like its an extreme sport. I realized there are a

Getting Your Groove Back2013-09-11T15:59:50+00:00

Starting the Shift in 2012


I love retreat and renewal at the turn of the year. This dark inward time really inspires me to journey and reflect on what just passed, and vision about what lies ahead. So a week or so ago, I gathered together a roomful of women, lovely professionals from the education, healthcare and hospitality industry into a gorgeous log and stone Northwest lodge overlooking the Rogue River. The day was mostly clear  and we sat around a great stone fireplace for Shift 2012 Retreat, sipping tea and taking turning by the hearth. (Snow stormed warded off--intention setting in action!) Whenever I

Starting the Shift in 20122012-01-27T14:07:04+00:00

H.O.P.E. for The Rapture?


For some time I have been guided to live from the place that we are living in Heaven on Planet Earth (HOPE, get it?) . With all The Rapture talk this past week, I really noticed how I could embody this feeling of the Divine in life everyday. When I woke up Sunday morning ("still here"), I decided: The Rapture has begun. H.O.P.E. now. Why wait to get sucked up to heaven in order to feel joy and bliss? We are already here in heaven, and we just need to see it this way, to begin to make it so!

H.O.P.E. for The Rapture?2011-05-27T16:57:33+00:00

Opening Your GodLine


An excerpt from the book I’m working on, Awakening the Divine Feminine-The Magdalene Way I awoke with a new concept: the “GodLine”. I take this to  my morning meditation and connect with Mary Magdalene. Magdalene says: Rather like a phone line between you and God, the God Line is the string of light that connects you to spirit in god/goddess form. You have known that your blessing is to awaken connection to the Divine for others, yet you have not known how exactly this is achieved. So your job, as a “teacher of God”, is to help people make that

Opening Your GodLine2011-04-23T12:24:02+00:00
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