
It’s Here…SisterSoul Salon Virtual Retreat


Virtual SisterSoul Salon…Is Here! It's finally time. It's crazy to realize it's almost 2 years since I published The Magdalene Path. I've gotten such amazing feedback from so many of you. And I consistently hear that it brings up a lot of thoughts, feelings, memories and ideas, so I figured its  time to gather and explore.  A virtual space for women to connect who want to go deeper into The Magdalene Path. Last spring, before we moved to The Balch Hotel, I was offering these Sister Soul Salon evenings  in my home, for just this purpose. Many of you wanted to

It’s Here…SisterSoul Salon Virtual Retreat2015-10-14T08:04:55+00:00

Juicy Creativity, Sensuality and Aliveness


It's almost the weekend, but before I head off line, (One of my Soul Care practices, how radical is that?) I want to share about something coming up in just over a week. You may have seen mention but I want to call your attention. Good News! SisterSoul Salon comes to Cave Junction! How do we manifest from our Feminine Center? What if CREATIVITY is a Spiritual Tool or Practice that keeps you aligned with Feminine Soul? Because that is the key: If we truly trust guidance, our connection to (and as)  Goddess/ Source in human form, we must shift

Juicy Creativity, Sensuality and Aliveness2015-03-06T08:20:38+00:00

Art As A Spiritual Practice in Grants Pass!


Hello Lovelies~ Since you're in Oregon, we’ve got an opportunity to shift and expand your creative thinking, to activate your muse and rejuvenate your weary soul. Get your creative sparks ignited in an evening of art and performance: music, poetry, movies and more. Then the next day dive into a day-long workshop designed to cross a threshold into your own deep wisdom. Come to one or both! Friday, March 14,  6:30-9 pm PT The Word, The Image, The Story--Evening of Art/Performance with Jan Phillips and Claire Sierra An evening immersion in creativity -- a book signing with film, art, photography,

Art As A Spiritual Practice in Grants Pass!2014-02-27T12:45:03+00:00
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