I’m just back from pilgrimage to the south of France, activating deeper aspects of The Magdalene Path. It was powerful beyond words.
I’ve been inspired to shift my retreat in November to unveil these deeper mysteries that emerged there. (If you’re curious go HERE.
After the death ritual of Yeshua (or Jesus in Greek) that completed the ancient prophesy, Mary Magdalene left Israel for southern France, where I spent 11 days. (you can read more about her journey in The Magdalene Path.)
She traveled with the Maries, priestess- healers who shared her mission: teaching The Way of Love that began in partnership with Yeshua (his name in Aramaic.)
Today she’s still present in France everywhere–if you know where and how to look.
She’s on high altars, in stained glass windows and paintings, in side chapels.
The Cathar lineage in southern France revered Magdalene, as the lineage bearer. They knew she was named the Apostle to the Apostles, by Jesus. They held Her teachings sacred and secret. She was the Holy Grail, the bloodline.
But the Cathars were genocided, and Her story got distorted, eliminated and forgotten.
Did you know that prior to 1200 all the Notre Dame churches were dedicated to Magdalene NOT the Blessed Virgin, Mother Mary?
I didn’t think so.
She was removed on purpose by the powers that be, to shift attention from her and the deeper mysteries she held.
But why?
Magdalene Threatens the Power Elite
From my travels in France it’s clear to me she was trained as a priestess and invoked high magic with her partner, Jesus. (What else can you call walking on water and raising the dead?)
That’s why all the fuss about her anointing him with Spikenard oil—she crowned his King in that ancient sacred rite. (A story for another time.)
The mainstream (Roman) church wasn’t thrilled about this potent, aligned mystical power—direct divine connection & sovereignty—not much money or power here for them. So they created a church based in masculine celibacy and fear. And what a mess that’s created.
To control her message and frequency, and thus dis-empower women in general, she was eliminated from mainstream teachings. Their teachings of body shame, eschewing pleasure and desire as bad, and distorting women & our sexual energy as evil to keep it hidden. And repressed. It worked… for eons.
It’s barely better now, but by no means complete. #MeToo–right?
To survive it, we adapted (women are great adapters) and operated in man-mode–the only real means of success in a patriarchal culture. But now the cost of this hyper masculine system is too great. Exhaustion, fatigue, adrenal collapse, insomnia, anxiety, depression, no s*x drive are some of the result.
But #FeminineSoul survive & revives. Like a dormant spring renewed.
What’s available through the Magdalene Mysteries is reclaimed feminine power and magic—your potent spiritual sensual lineage. It’s waiting to be tapped. It’s a juicy connection to life force that can express as sexuality, but not the version we’re shown through mainstream media as sexy.
This sacred eros energy is available to us again, but what I’m discovering is unlike most of the “sacred s*x” teachings out there, which are often distorted versions of tantra, a different cultural lens. (*I can’t use the full word, or this post gets tagged as spam for pornography! Consider THAT a moment…)
If you’re interested in the Sacred Feminine and Magdalene in particular, join me for the next Temple Sophia, September 20. If you hunger for a deeper connection with soul and sisters, in a safe and sacred container. Temple Sophia, is a bi-monthly Red Tent, a women’s circle to dive deep into feminine mysteries at the Balch Hotel.
You can read more details HERE. Next one is Thursday September 20, Autumn Equinox!
You coming?
Join us.
P.S. If you’re looking for a deeper dive than one evening, Magdalene Path Retreat will unlock Magdalene Codes and explore Her lost mystical lineage. Awaken the deeper mysteries of Mary Magdalene.
Connect with the calm, intuitive, nurturing energy of your inner priestess. Discover your spiritual sensuality—the lost teachings of Sacred Union within and re-awaken your sexual center.
Gather with a sacred circle of sisters to explore your Feminine Essence through art, meditation, oil anointing and guided journaling (how I wrote The Magdalene Path!)
Experience practices to shift you from man-mode to your inherent feminine magic. Receive practical divine guidance from your soul: about your career, love, health and more.
Feel less stress & struggle in your daily life, as you access the ease, joy and juicy aliveness of your sacred, soulful AND sexy self.
See those details HERE. Get $100 off registration when you sign up now.
Can’t make it here? I’ve got plenty of ways to work virtually. I’m planning a virtual temple, and online events this fall. If that’s of interest, email back what days, times and topics are good for you.
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