The Magdalene Path Book2021-08-04T22:31:09+00:00

The Magdalene Path

Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul

Feminine Wisdom Revealed & Reclaimed!

Recent discoveries of ancient manuscripts have shined a light on Mary Magdalene as a powerful spiritual teacher and luminous feminine leader of the early Christian Church. An enigma, she is an archetype of the sacred yet repressed Feminine that many long to reclaim today.

In The Magdalene Path, Expressive Arts Therapist Claire Sierra shares her inspiring connection with Mary Magdalene as a Source of guidance for all. She reveals the meaning of the Divine Feminine awakening for women today, as a means to shift and uplevel our lives in our modern world.

The Magdalene Path is a guidebook of compelling ideas, skills and practices to bring your Feminine Soul into daily life. With a balanced expression of Feminine and Masculine you can weave your life and our world back into the wholeness you long for.

Reviewers Say: 

“Brava to Claire Sierra for her brave and honest work… I am proud to call her my sister on the journey!”
~ Kathleen McGowan, author of N.Y.  Times bestsellers The Expected One and The Book of Love

“Balancing the forces of the masculine and feminine is the key task of our time; our future as a society depends on it. Claire’s deep work with Sacred Feminine wisdom has brought to light a message of hope that couldn’t come at a better time.”
~ Tim Kelley, author of True Purpose

“Claire Sierra has composed a marvelous tapestry of insights, discoveries, tools, and resources for all of us to use in designing a new global culture. The wisdom of the Magdalene gives us all hope for Heaven on Planet Earth.”
~ Rev. Ruth L. Miller, PhD, author of Mary’s Power and others

The Magdalene Path is an important contribution to mending a world torn in half by the religions that rejected the Divine Feminine and buried her power. We are finally able to reopen that channel… Claire Sierra brings a fresh, clean and humble approach to this crucial quest. The Magdalene Path is a graceful introduction to the mysteries of the true feminine: the gentle, fierce, fullness of the Goddess herself.”
~ Lion Goodman, director of the Luminary Leadership Institute, creator of Clear Your Beliefs Process and author of Creating on Purpose

“Claire brings forth the voice of the Magdalene with clarity and Divine Feminine purpose. She weaves ancient sacred knowledge with creative expression in potent ways that support the journey of women today. You will find Soul expanding insights in these pages.”
~ Lisa Michaels, author of Natural Rhythms

Regardless of your spiritual  orientation or previous connection to Mary Magdalene, you’ll bask in the inspiring wisdom and practical insights in this empowering and illuminating  book.

  •  Revitalize your mind and body to tap into more energy for what you love.
  •  Ignite your connection to Spirit through simple rituals and soul-care practices.
  •  Embrace your authentic radiant beauty, reclaim your innate feminine power.
  •  Replenish your passions and feel empowered to live your purpose.
  •  Explore  your creativity so you can express who you truly are.

Unveil Hidden Power Within ~ Transform Your Life

Readers Share:

“Wow! As I read, I was struck by the profound story that you’re telling. It made so much “sense’ – at a cognitive and a soul level. It also gave me great hope. Women are being called to bring the unique gifts of Feminine Soul Power to everything we are involved with. You have a powerful message that needs to be shared with the world. I know others who will want to read it too!”
~ Helen McConnell, Portland, OR

“I am totally blown away by your book! I literally could not put it down. I have no doubt that there is a sisterhood arising, and you and The Magdalene Path are crucial pieces to a much bigger picture that we are all co-creating together.”
~ Bobbye Middendorf, Albuquerque, NM

“Throughout the years I have been infatuated with books on Mary Magdalene—I’ve read them all—so when I had the opportunity to preview Claire’s book, The Magdalene Path, I eagerly approached it and instantly felt the authenticity of this material. This is the REAL DEAL….”
~ Judy Taylor, Grants Pass, OR

“I have waited lifetimes for the writings in your book. The whole of me is so congruent with each line of text,  from the deep knowing of my soul to the questioning of my ego. It’s hard to put down and gives me much to look forward to each night. Good work, sister!”
~ Karri Gulbransen, Ashland, OR

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