A Process for Flourishing in Your Soul-Centered Life and Work

Do you ever get signs from nature? I’m guessing you do. Is the answer clear or do you wonder what it means?

I have to share a cool story—something that just happened the other day that brought tears of relief. And it points to a solution to your own guidance clarity process.

9-27 2I was sitting outside on a late summer morning, watching a great video training about feminine wisdom as the new paradigm in business today. (Yes! Finally!)

This shaman/coach related how the feminine way of connecting to nature is a powerful skill to ground and center us, which allows us to receive guidance (direction and decision) about our work and life.

Makes sense. We know that living from Feminine Soul means we no longer lead with our masculine reason and intellect always. It might make sense of logically, but it has to feel good in our bones too.

I’ve known this for a long time (back to the days of creating teen Rites of Passage programs with my first husband). Being in Nature reconnects us to our body and deeper knowing. I loved the reminder and that the message was becoming mainstreamed to a larger audience.

Then I was musing about how our new hotel  is a reflection of my vision for creating a place where people can come, unplug and recharge themselves in nature. By reconnecting to self, Source, and each other we get the answers we need.

I’ve had this dream/vision for a LONG time and I always thought it would take place in a wild, rustic setting. Sure, we’re surrounded by open golden rolling hills and big sky. Its country… but it’s not wilderness. It’s an elegant vintage hotel, with rooms like Restoration Hardware, not a groovy circle of yurts or glamping cabins, as I envisioned.

So as I’m sitting outside sipping my green tea in French café chairs on our slate patio, I started wondering about that. Was it “nature” enough? Had we sold out on our vision for this charming boutique hotel?

I no further had that thought when a bird whooshed by. Big. She landed in the big pine tree in the center of the patio. Close. I thought it was the Great Horned Owl, or her owlets who nest in the grove out back. She turned her head to me and I saw it was a huge hawk. She flew off, again almost dive-bombing me on her way. She flew through the property, circled back and went out over the neighbor’s alfalfa field into deep azure sky. Wow.

For a moment I was in awe. Did that really happen? Then I remembered my most recent questions. Chills. So I guess this IS “wild nature” enough.

I breathed a big release, smiled and gave thanks.

Are there questions you’re pondering that you’re just not getting answers to? Perhaps nature is giving you guidance but it’s not clear?

Maybe the answer to your prayer is right in front of you, but if you forgot the question, or the packaging is different you won’t see it as the blessing it is.

There are many ways to connect to guidance. One practice I love is called a Medicine Walk. It’s a way of using nature as tool for divining answers. I use it to get guidance directly from the Soul of my Business.

Are you struggling to find clarity about your path or birth a new direction in your soul-centered business? Want to learn a cool way to harvest wisdom from a deeper place?

Maybe it’s time to hit the pause button and get clear on what your life and work really wants to be–what truly wants to come through you and speaks to the people you’re authentically here to serve. Only then can you really flourish spiritually AND financially.

9-27 1Make sure you know WHAT your path is about—the soul of it, what you’re offering, who it’s for, and exactly how you’re meant to deliver your magic.

I learned this process from one of my mentors, Susanna Maida. I was talking with her after I wrote this article and learned she’s offering this process and some key elements in a FREE 2-hour Google HangOut training.

I wanted to share this because the timing was so uncanny! Plus, I don’t want you to keep struggling, wasting time and money on strategies that miss the heart of the matter and send you into the weeds.

I’ve worked privately with Susanna and I can’t speak highly enough about her depth and presence. She’s an alchemist, crafting your calling into a business that makes use of all your quirky skills and talents. Knowing her, this training will be incredibly valuable (and low hype.)

It starts with partnering with the SOUL of your business. I think it looks really cool and fun. Reserve your spot and I’ll see you there.

Take a walk on the wild side, with YOUR soul guidance…

claire sig



P.S.  Are you struggling to find clarity about your path or birth a new direction in your soul-centered work? I’ve been connecting with entrepreneurial women who are struggling to get out of their own way and bring their dreams to reality. I highly suggest you tune into Susanna’s programs, but if that isn’t right, maybe it’s time we talk. Go here to set up a time for a Yuck to Yes Breakthrough session, a complimentary consult where we look at what’s stopping you from  a whole different perspective so you can find satisfaction doing the work that you love.