Deep Winter Stillness

Deep Winter Stillness

Today is the first day back to work for many after a long holiday break. The time my dear sister Beth Meadows calls “The Great Pause”. It’s that gap between Solstice (also Hanukkah and Christmas) and the New Year, when all time seems to stop and listen.

We honor that quiet time with rest, renewal and inward reflection, despite the busy demands of holiday cheer. We review the year passing and dream of what we hope is to come. We set  intentions and  goals, even “resolutions”. And after a week or two of this deep soul work, we expect to get back to our busy lives, launching this New Year with aplomb. Or do we?

I know I still feel deeply called to review regenerate,and revise. I also feel re-creation stirring in my plans and dreams. I do not feel compelled to jump out of bed and put it all to action. Heresy?

I then recognize that just because the calendar turned and work-life resumes,  that Deep Winter is still upon us. We are still in The Great Pause. The seed is still dormant in the ground and animals are nowhere to be found. Except us silly 2 legged ones, scampering about everywhere, intending to deny nature her cycle. Pshaw!

As I ruminated on my reluctant resistance and repose, (this is a month of re-words) I realized: its still a month away until Imbolc, (Christianized: Candlemas, Americanized: Groundhog Day), that Celtic holiday that honors the return of the light, halfway between Solstice/Christmas (when night overtakes day) and Equinox, (when day/night hang in equal balance).We are pushing the river. And she is cold and wet.

So give yourself January. Take the time for the year-end reflection you promised yourself, but were too busy or exhausted to get to. You are worth it. Vision, plan and dream from this place of hibernation, for your year ahead. Its not too late.