Creating HOPE: Heaven on Planet Earth

An excerpt from The Magdalene Path, (c) Claire Sierra, 2013

It’s a lovely deep autumn day, blustery with blue skies and rain clouds threatening overhead. Today is Thanksgiving, a day of overindulgence and giving thanks, so it seems appropriate to spend some time in quiet contemplation and gratitude. I better do that before the day gets away from me.

This quote crosses my awareness, “The grateful soul is content with all she sees, while the complaining soul is discontented in the midst of paradise.” (source unknown) I have so much to be grateful for, yet sometimes I resist and complain.  I know I am not alone in this, yet still it is embarrassing to admit. I wonder what the Magdalene would say about that. So, I sit and center myself quietly.  I feel a slight shift and the presence of Magdalene almost immediately. I sense her words and quickly start to type.

Mary Magdalene:  Many of your people are desiring and aware of big changes coming ahead.  And much as in past times, there are those who are urging that the “end times” are coming, and those who see this as a return to the light.  Some see this happening “in-body” (occurring on the planet). Others see this return to the light as signaling the end of the physical form and a return to the spiritual world.

Some in your times refer to it as “rapture”, or “ascension”, as if there is a divine elevator of light that will carry you to “heaven” in physical form to another world beyond this one.

We see all this as nonsense, due to our perspective that we see your world as Heaven already. Do you not? Are you not aware that the ways in which you think and feel manifest certain aspects of your reality? That the formless becomes form through the world of the body: heart and soul. You are the vehicle for manifesting Heaven, on Earth. (We mean “you” as all of you.) You are indeed the ones you have been waiting for, as many have sensed and said.

Similarly, you are the ones to bring the Heaven-like life that you feel, sense and desire into the 3D manifestations of reality. For as you do this, you bring more light with you, through you and for you. This conveyance of light is literally an embodiment of. You are here to embody Heaven on Planet Earth, HOPE, and you are here to show them the way.

Claire: Oh, HOPE!  I like that! And how do I do this? I see/feel/sense this as Truth, and yet….do not feel I embody Heaven on Planet Earth in my life.

Mary Magdalene: Well, certainly not yet. You are a Goddess- in-Training, a Priestess from past and future. Yours is to practice and teach from that practice.

Claire: Delightful! Often I am aware this is Heaven on Planet Earth, as a conceptual framework, an idea and an ideal. But I don’t feel this or embody this.

Mary Magdalene: This is what makes the practice such a delight: as you learn, you teach and others grow too.

Claire:  So what about my mind’s critical display, when I see garbage on the street or poverty? I automatically think, “This is not Heaven on Earth.” How do I deal with that?

Mary Magdalene: Just be with the practice first. We will advise you. First fully love what you have, as well as you are able. Trust that as you love what you have, more of that joy flows through you. 

It is no coincidence that on this day of giving thanks that the message of gratitude would be the place we essentially begin. Seeing, feeling, sensing and loving the heaven you have created for yourself (in partnership with all life, seen and unseen) will flow more of that goodness to you. It is a difficult concept to convey intellectually, and this is why we start with PRACTICE.

Be the joy you wish to teach and they will naturally seek you for more. This is simple math. Do your side of the equation. This is the first aspect of your practice and message. We love you and are delighted to serve with you and through you. You are made for this.

The Practice: Creating Heaven on Planet Earth

The steps and process are simple, yet not always so easy.

  1. Shine. Feel, think and shine the fact that this IS Heaven on Earth. When an event, issue or experience occurs, take a moment. Breathe, ground, center, and acknowledge this perfection, that this is Heaven on Planet Earth.
  2. Second: notice, feel and enjoy the perfection of that time and place in the moment that you are experiencing it. You can only start from your current vantage point. Notice how the mind wants to change, disapprove or criticize what is and what is not. We know that at times (and you have many examples leaping into your mind, no doubt) your viewpoint seems quite the contrary. This resistance to appreciating your present is a natural barrier to you actually entering the Kingdom of God, Heaven on Planet Earth. Your current experience is your point of attraction, the starting place for the version of Heaven you seek to manifest. Your soul calls this forth.
  3. The primary task is this: Be and convey the light. Always remember the light and the joy of the Godlight that you are bearing and bestowing. As you do this, your vibration will naturally rise and your point of attraction will shift to match this. Those things, people, and experiences that are NOT Heaven on Earth for you will begin to shift, fade, or generally remove themselves from your sphere of awareness.
  4. Hold the awareness of HOPE in your consciousness at all times. By knowing this you will begin to create and embody more ideal life experiences. There is great work to be done here in partnership with the unseen world and divine helpers (co-creating via prayer), but for now, we ask you to focus here. So the practice is just that: practice.

Feel free to share this excerpt (c) The Magdalene Path, by Claire Sierra, MA. For more info contact Claire Sierra at: Claire AT