I wanted to send a quick note before it was too late to say happy New Year.(sound kazoo: huzzah!)  Are you sick of too many hope-filled opportunities for growth and change in your in-box? I don’t have a program to offer you, just my great hopes and dreams for your biggest brightest self shining.

Last year was a big one for many of us. I experienced a tremendous number of completions: big and small projects, relationships and even a big source of income. It all comes as a huge relief and creates big space.

So now, what next? How do we lean into the messages and inklings we get of our purposeful path for this bright shiny New Year? If you stay tuned, I’ve got some ideas.

After Solstice, the long-awaited 12/21/12, I felt the energy shift…did you? Things feel brighter, softer, more open and hopeful. (And it sure ain’t cuz of the weather.) Perhaps it was just a sigh (Of relief? Disappointment?) from the collective that, once again, we are still here.

No flaming balls of glory taking us to our maker. And yet…

We are the ones we’ve waited for and we are divine. We are living in Heaven on Planet Earth. We can make magic happen in our own lives and in the world around us. This I know is true.

Below you’ll see an excerpt from my forthcoming book, The Magdalene Path – Awaken Your Divine Feminine and Live Your Soul Purpose. It’s coming soon, but in the meanwhile I wanted to gift you what Mary Magdalene shared with me about creating “Heaven on Planet Earth.” Its timely.

Read on if you have a vision of a new world of harmony, sustainability and abundance. Where you get to live your purpose joyfully and give your gifts, but don’t know quite how to get from point A to point Z. This is one practice that shifted my life dramatically.

We cannot make it happen if we do not see it first. If that is not clear yet, ask your inner guide, “? Is there one small step, act or contribution I can make to manifest my purpose? What is mine to do/be in this great awakening?”

Look into your heart, not your mind (that’s good for other tasks.) Let the answer bubble up from within.

PS This is the full excerpt, so it’s a bit long. Hopefully I’ve been able to send it as an attachment (hopefully), and you might want to print it out. There’s a practice at the end that is a life-changer. Feel free to share with your friends and other co-hearts.