As a conscious co-creator, a soul-centered awakening woman, your contribution is essential to build a better world that works for everyone. I’m with you on that one.
And to me, Feminine empowerment, balancing with the Masculine mode, is key factor for rebuildng a sane and just world, personally and collectively.
I know, it’s overwhelming at times—the changes needed are of such magnitude that our individual efforts seem small in contrast. And we’ve all felt the pain when—even with the best of intentions—what we yearn for doesn’t come into being.
It’s filling that gap between who you are now and who you really are—or desire to be. It’s time to overcome false pictures, insecurities and inadequacies, so you bring your gifts to the larger whole.
If you’ve known me at all, you know my feelings about the importance of community and guided support—that we aren’t meant to do it alone.
The free SisterSoul Salon Virtual Retreat I offered on-line last month is meant to be a support and antidote for that. My plan is to do these regularly in 2016. In the meanwhile I had an idea….
Join me at The Gathering for Change Agents
One of my places to get support is a monthly consortium of like-minded/hearted colleagues called The Gathering. It’s a virtual learning cooperative connected to the True Purpose Institute where I trained.
Instead of offering a virtual SoulSalon this month, I want to offer this community resource to nurture and inspire you. I’ll be the featured speaker this month
What’s The Gathering?
It’s a virtual community, an open-hearth circle of shared growth, based in our connection to higher guidance as a tool for living our purpose. The group meets monthly on the first Wednesday of every month (since Fall 2012).
Ultimately the purpose of the Gathering is to support you in mastering the challenges and embracing the opportunities that you face as you awaken your purpose.
There’s a guest expert each month to start the conversation on a key area for purpose-centered living.
This month I’m honored to be the featured presenter, speaking on Integrating the Feminine and Masculine Within–sharing ideas and practices I’ve not spoken about publicly before. Exciting!
Integrating the Feminine and Masculine Within
Many of us are aware that with the awakening of the Divine Feminine we need to re-pair with the sacred masculine.
But what does that really mean?
While we may have powerful experiences of this feminine energy, how do we integrate and embody it, so we can live it day-to-day?
Many women (and men) are aware that the male dominance in our culture has resulted in a hyper-masculine mindset and lifestyle that is exhausting, debilitating and unfulfilling. (It’s also socially and environmentally unsustainable.) This is a result of centuries of unbalanced repression of the feminine.
Tim Kelley, (The Gathering mentor and creator of the True Purpose Institute), wrote about The Magdalene Path,
“Balancing the forces of the masculine and feminine is the key task of our time; our future as a society depends on it. One of the key obstacles to achieving this balance, individually and collectively, is our culture’s complete ignorance of the Divine Feminine. Claire’s deep work with Sacred Feminine wisdom brings to light a message of hope that couldn’t come at a better time.”
Thus we have the antidote to the devastation we are seeing in our world today. Ah…
But how do we embody both masculine and feminine energies so that we can balance them in ourselves…and then in the world around us?
This will be the focus of The Gathering this month….Join us!
In this class, you will learn:
- Interactive practice to identify the true essence of Masculine and Feminine.
- Skills to tap into and maintain a connection with feminine (and masculine) energies.
- Essential (yet challenging!) aspects of balancing these essences in daily life.
- Clues and evidence of imbalance versus integration.
- Suggested practices for activating the Feminine Soul and then sacred marriage within.
- Role of Masculine/Feminine balance in accessing and using higher guidance.
See more and join the December conversation at:
Here are the details:
What: The Gathering – A community call for change agents
Dates: The first Wednesday of every month: Wednesday December 2nd
Times: 12 pm Pacific, 3 pm Eastern, 10 pm Israel, 8 pm GMT, 7 am (Thursday) Sydney
Call length: 90 minutes
Cost: None!
You have the power and the calling to allow light to shine through the unique prism that brought you here….to share…and to return to the untarnished beauty of the whole.
Join us in The Gathering community at
Hope to hear you next Wednesday as we explore embodiment and balancing our Sacred Masculine and Feminine.
PS: I’d be remiss if I didn’t wish you a VERY happy Gratitude Day (in the US, Thursday is Thanksgiving.) I have so much to be over the moon thankful for. You included. Thanks for including me in your life. I love you, for real. Because I know how awesome you really are (even when you’ve forgetten.)
Next year I’m planning on offering monthly free virtual retreats. If you’ve got theme/topic ideas, hit reply and email them to me!
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