Things seems to be moving at a record pace. The Big Shift is underway. Again. So I want to make sure you saw this as the window of opportunity is closing.

Are you feeling the urge of your dreams and callings? Wanting to right what feels amiss? Life is moving in fits and stops. Release whatever is not working, no longer serving you–even if it is something good that’s been a precious idea. Trust that there is something new and better waiting to be born through you. Allow a new vision to bloom, like life all around you. Say ‘YES” to more juicy creativity and aliveness in your life….

I’ve had the opportunity recently to sit with women in casual, cozy, creative Soul Salons to explore dreams and desires that live inside of us.

Do these themes resonate with you?

~ Hunger for opportunities/tools to connect with Source and access our Higher Guidance.

~ Ways to increase Divine Feminine energy, to balance our inner/outer Sacred Masculine that is on overdrive.

~ The challenges and skill in moving in and out of “the flow” (knowing when life is/isn’t working requires a certain type of skill and agility)

~The need/desire for more connection, support, friendship and sisterhood, locally.

And great questions emerged:

~ How to know what I want and what to do next?

~ How to take what I’m passionate about, serve people and make a living (win-win-win)?

~ Can I trust the inspiration, images and ideas (higher guidance) that come to me?

~ How to have confidence to go for my dreams and desires?

~ How to find my holy desire after it’s neglected and withered away?

Is this you, too? Hmm….

Your feminine powered creativity is the key to answering these (and other) questions, by getting out of your own way and accessing higher guidance. 

Optimize your creativity into a path that can bring your soul-inspired gifts to fruition. Let’s take it to where you REALLY want to go, not just what you’re willing to settle for.

Manifest the juicy, rich, fullness of all you are. Because, let’s face it, you are Divine.  And sometimes we need reminders, tools and boosters to magnetize that into Being.

Find a new path in. To create monumental shifts in a sustainable way, we need to tap our creativity, our body wisdom, our soul’s voice. Activate your creative power as a tool for transformation.

So I’ve got an idea, a new path for accessing your creative center:  a jumpstart, to access all the juicy aliveness and luxury that our souls crave, but we rarely give ourselves time/permission for.

So to support the emerging divinity that you are: there are still 3 openings for the Soul Spa Retreat ~ 30 Creativity Immersion Program.

New! SisterSoul Retreat Starting Soon!

Explore your deepest desire and charge up your creative spark!  Recharge and relax in a circle of Soul sisters

You’ll discover what’s driving where you feel stuck or blocked, where you could use a creative infusion.

You’ll clear blocks and resolve what’s in the way.

You’ll get clarity and guidance about what to do next.

You’ll find pathways to create and contribute from your passion and purpose.

You’ll get loads of personal attention and support (at an affordable price), so you can find ways to get past your struggle

Sound like juicy feminine fun?

LET’S GET STARTED: I’ve decided to delay the start and open up registration, since I’ve heard from you that some of the dates don’t work.

SO: if you are interested, I need to know ASAP, to shift the schedule and get started. This is In-Person with a Virtual version coming SOON.

I’ve decided to extend the special offer and include a few bonuses:

BONUS #1: a 30 minute coaching session with me, to use anytime during the program. In this session, you pick one issue area you feel stuck and we clear the blocks around it. — for the next 2 people who register. ($100 value)

Bonus #2: a personally signed copy of The Magdalene Path. ($17.99 value) 

Bonus #3: Goddess Coloring book ($9.95 value)

TOTAL VALUE of bonuses = $127 —  that’s over half the price of the program itself!

For more info, here’s the link to the page:

Any questions? Email me:

I’ve limited this circle, so I need to know how many are coming. Dates are being adjusted to accommodate your schedule. I’ll send details with your confirmation.  RSVP here:

Do you have a friend you’d like to invite? Sure – please send her name and email when you reply.

Beltane Blessings,