The Divine Feminine is rising, incarnated as the Priestess.The Priestess is the woman whose role is to be the intermediary between the spiritual and material realms. She is the channel for the divine,  the conduit for heaven on earth. (Does that make your heart scream: YES?)

blogclaire2Right now, Her energy is becoming increasingly potent as more and more women feel called into Her power and activate her. The planet is needing Her to wake humanity up and create a massive transformation.

As someone in my world, I know you’re probably a woman who wants to serve and make a difference. One of the greatest ways you can do that is by activating this priestess energy within and stepping into your role as a vehicle for transformation.

I’m so passionate about bringing this Feminine Soul archetype alive from the collective consciousness of women. And as I’ve mentioned before, we can’t do this alone. So I’ve been looking at how to do that with you. And then Tanya’s  awesome high tech idea showed up….

So I’ve joined with 3 other feminine leaders and we’re holding virtual full moon gathering to activate the priestess within. Does that sound cool?

If you want to step more fully into truth as a space holder and facilitator of transformation on the planet, this virtual gathering on Monday June 20 is for you!

Join us by saving your seat here (it’s free!).

Each of us will guide you through a short activation ritual or process to awaken your power as a modern day priestess.

On this virtual Full Moon Gathering call, you will:

* Connect deeply with yourself and nature through ritual and the four elements of earth, air, fire and water.

* Access YOUR Inner Priestess, so she can start to guide you.

* Explore the shadow (what holds you back), so you can step fully into your power

* Learn how to use ritual to create sacred space for any gathering that you lead.

* Move emotions that get stirred up when tapping into your purpose. (Knowing how to do this makes all the difference in moving forward on your dreams!)

We’ll be gathering virtually at 2pm PST on June 20. Grab your seat here for free.

This is a gathering you don’t want to miss! You’ll experience music, movement, meditation, ritual and sharing.

These wise women holding space for you are powerful! I’m so honored to be among them:

  • Jessica Cornejo Gallegos is an Inca High Priestess, Shamanic Healer Guide & Heart Purpose Mentor, leading women on spiritual journeys in Peru. (Cool stuff!)
  • Claire Sierra, MA, is the author of The Magdalene Path – Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul ©. An Arts Therapist and True Purpose™ Master Coach for over 2 decades, Claire has guided thousands of lost, confused women into connection with their divine guidance for clarity & confidence about their purpose. (That’s me!)
  • StarrFire has been facilitating New Earth Priest/ess Process and Christed/Magdalene High Priest/ess Process for men & women for 13 years. (She’ll be leading retreat at The Balch Hotel soon!)
  • Tanya Lynn is our hostess and the founder of Sistership Circle and author of Open Your Heart: How to be a New Generation Feminine Leader. She has been training women from all over the world how to facilitate women’s circles. (She’s amazing!)

We look forward to seeing you there!


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PS. Not able to make it to the call on June 20 at 2pm PST? Not a problem! While there will be special gifts for those who come live, we’ll have a recording available if you miss it. Just go ahead and register here (it’s free).
