As I prepared for the second of our  3 part virtual retreat last Wednesday, I received a special download from Mary Magdalene. It is so potent and powerful that I wanted to share it with you. It summarizes the impact of masculine energy, and why reconnecting Feminine Soul  is so crucial now.

“The message I wish to share is that in the loss of balance and wholeness, in the repressing of the feminine aspect of the divine, women lost their connection to the sacred thread of life that you hold within you. (This is why you are drawn to me and other archetypes of feminine divinity, be they priestesses of Avalon, mysteries of Isis, or meditations of Quan Yin.)

Long ago you were sold messages that in time you came to believe, or were made to believe under threat of death. That is a powerful type of persuasion, fear.

From this, you lost connection to your selves, each other and the powerful presence you carry within. A psychic disconnection was created and you carry that imprint. Your lives are suffering now because of that: epidemic levels of stress-related dis-ease riddle your beautiful bodies, powerful minds and elegant spirits.

As you reclaim this Feminine Soul you regain balance and wholeness, from the power of your feminine center, that core place within you that is sacred and untouchable.

And as this occurs your lives naturally change as the unthinkable becomes undoable.

You show up differently and you interactions change. With that your relationships change with friends, beloveds and workmates, of course.

So as your lives change, so does the world around you, in larger and larger circles of expansion and self-expression. You reclaim you own power, beauty and wholeness, a power within, not over another.

This of course ripples out and transforms the lives around you and in doing so, the world starts to shine a different hue.

You live from your feminine center, in ease grace and flow. This does not discount or eliminate the masculine style, but moderates it to a lower volume in balance and harmony, what we call Sacred Union.

You are creating Heaven On Planet Earth and you can only do it one life, one step on the path at a time.”

Mary Magdalene so eloquently and concisely explains why the awakening Divine Feminine directly impacts our lives today. This loss, millennia ago, created a huge disconnect. We are living the effects of it. and we are here to repair it.

This is big.

Taking the time to rekindle our latent feminine superpowers is a sacred yet radical act. (The world still degrades this as “frivolous or unproductive.”)

When you do, you connect to your body, your deeper rhythms, your dreams and holy desires, and you inner guidance. From there you blossom as the goddess you truly are and create an amazing  life, full of meaning, direction, joy and pleasure.

Your bliss matters: your life purpose is sacred activism.