Hello  again! I don’t know about you, but it’s been a busy summer for me (and just about everyone these days, I’m not special here). Back at the end of spring we moved, into a great house and neighborhood that I am so thrilled to be in.

So its been a season of settling in, finding the perfect places for everything: inside and out. And I’ve been walking and biking everywhere: to the bank, the gym, even work. The weather here is so great, it’s hard not to.

It’s so fun to live a life that designed for me, based on my goals dreams and values. How about you? Are you living the life you hoped for when you were younger? Many of us “settle” for “good-enough” lives and miss the juicy center of a life we love. (If that’s you, contact me, we’ll do a free consult session and see if I can help.)

My husband’s work has allowed me to spend some time in one of the most spectacular places on the planet (photo), to regularly unplug and re-center. It’s been amazing to have some time and space to myself: so timely as I grow my work to the next stage.

I’ve also been taking all kinds of cool classes on the internet, and if you haven’t yet taken a teleclass, you are missing out. It’s an awesome way to learn translocally.  So as summer reluctantly shifts to fall I look forward to being in more contact with you to discover what this next cycle has in store for us.

Testing 1,2,3
Or, why are you getting this

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This newsletter and blog is a forum to share the latest gleanings from the frontier of Radiant Clarity and True Purpose work. You are getting this because you either opted in on my website, or you are part of my personal/ professional email list that I have cultivated for over 5 years. If this is not an interest for you I hope you will not be offended by this test run and unsubscribe. Or read for a few months (this will be monthly at most) and decide. This could be just what your soul has been craving.

Its been important for me to get more clarity about MY purpose and specific gifts (my blessing) to share with you, so I can help you reveal yours.

What I’m finally getting is that no matter how great I am at what I do, (yikes! that sounds immodest, but after hearing it for 20 years, it time to own it). But if you don’t know about me, its no good to either of us. You can’t learn from me to do the work you are called to do! I need to share, teach and connect with all of you who have said yes, some for years. Besides, there’s no award for in being “the best kept secret”. So here we are, take 2.

I used to wince at the self-exposure of marketing myself, even in casual/social situations (where the best connections could be referrals). Well, I used to. Now I am bursting to share. It’s crucial that I let people know about who I am and what I am up to: clearly and simply. So you can figure out if I am the one you need to help you with whatever problem or goal you have. It’s that simple.
Time to come out of hiding!

Clarity and Hope When Life Loses Meaning or Direction
So what’s with all this Life Purpose business, anyway?

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Ever have the feeling that your life is meant to be more than is? That there is something important you are called to do, but can’t quite figure out (or remember) what that is? Or feel like you are in a far-too-long phase of transition that should have shifted to something new a while ago?

I know, I’ve been there. With many others.

For a long time I felt like I’ve was doing great work with people, I felt that something was constantly, naggingly missing. I even experimented with changing jobs, and even professions. None of those helped, really. Because my understanding of who I was, was off. Just slightly, but enough to periodically wreak havoc and continued searching.

Gracefully, I had a chance to study with my mentor, Tim Kelley, author of True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You are Meant to Make. When I learned my purpose, very specifically and detailed, it made a huge difference (can you say Quantum) in the work I do, and the live I live. You see, if you are in the zone of your purpose, you are doing the thing you were designed to do. And naturally, you do it very well. Which radically shifts Doing and Being.

Are you someone who:

  • Lives a good-enough life, but secretly yearns for more?
  • Has periods of feeling lost about what your life is REALLY meant to be about?
  • Is in transition or change that is not going as smoothly (or quickly) as you expected?
  • Yearns for a sense of connection to a bigger purpose for being alive?

The solution: Get clarity, lose the confusion.

Awaken hope and possibility. Learn where the gaps are and fill them. It is possible to make a connection with your own Source, to get direct guidance about your natural talents and how you are meant to use them in the world.

Start living your joy.
Call or email today and get started.
Roll Out the Red Carpet:
Spend 5 minutes in the morning thinking about your day:
What are your day’s planned activities, how do you want them to go?
How do you want to feel? What do you want to experience?
Who are you meeting, how would you like that to be?
How do you want your daily path to unfold?

Think it through.
Best if you do this mindfully, as part of your meditation.
Realistically, doing it at all is better than nothing, and it’s a good start. (Though, honestly I think we need to dial back the multi-tasking and be present to ourselves and our lives. I will write on that later)
(AKA Vision Board or Dream Map)
Collect images and words that express your goals, dreams and ideal life.
Make a collage of the overlapping images. Then watch it unfold. This is magical.

IntentionPractice: Write your 10 main intentions for your life, year or month.
How do you want to experience your life? What qualities, feelings and sensations?
Another way to think about it: If you were reviewing your life, what would you want it to be about?
Review this list frequently (nightly is best). How are you doing?
Note if there are some intentions you consistently fall short on.
Are you being unrealistic, or is there a way you can bring more of that essence into your life?
Let me know how these go for you.