Is summer really over already?

Hello Autumn! I don’t know what its been like where you are, but fall came fast and furious in the Pacific Northwest. I mean, from flip-flops and shorts one day, to socks, long pants and (gulp) winter jackets. Its been dark, rainy and cool, which makes apparent the fact that we are heading inside. Literally and figuratively.   And Autumn naturally inspires thoughts of harvest. What have you harvested from your summer? The fruits of my summer were rich and juicy with lots of downloads from Source, a richer partnership and connection to my Divine Purpose, and ways and means to do that.    I am thrilled to find more and more ways to get more connected to people who are have deep soul yearning to know who they really are and are hungering to find what they are here to do this lifetime.   Frankly, I am so excited about having more of my own radiant clarity about my Divine Purpose, that sharing it with you (and how you can have it) consumes my thoughts and activity these days.

Below are some events I want to be sure you know about. One is an on-going, bi-monthly meditation class. The other is a mini-workshop about finding and living Divine Purpose. Both are offered by donation as my gift to you.   The third is way off in November, but coming soon, so better to let you know now: plan ahead. If you don’t live locally to me, I would be MORE than happy to come to you and offer these to you and your community. Let me know I am ready to hit the road!

In fact later this month I will be traveling on a working vacation to take a training and meet with colleagues in the Bay area, play in Yosemite and then attend a conference in sunny (warm!) San Diego. If you are interested in private session or a VIP day, I have three slots left. Contact me and we will see if it’s a good time for you.

The other harvest from the summer is my husband is coming back after 5+ months away! He’s been filling his purpose running one of the great lodges, the Paradise Inn at Mt Rainier. He hasn’t even lived in our new house for a week yet!

As you can tell, I am pretty fired up with what I have to share with you. Are you living your dream life yet? What’s stopping you? What’s in your way? Hopefully the information below helps you on your path.   Let me know if I can help you in finding your Radiant Clarity. Perhaps it’s finally time to feel better. Invest in yourself and your birthright of joy. It’s made a world of difference for me and I know it can you, too.

Outcome follows Energy:
The Power of Intention & How to Tap In
As the harvest moon begins to wane, I notice shift of focus from the outer to the inner. My thoughts have been draw to goals and intention. What is my focus? Where I am going?

Too much of life is often lived on auto-pilot. From one task to the next, collapse in exhaustion at the end of the day and start again the next. While we might have bigger goals, but these tend to be abstract and distant. How to bridge the gap from daily trudge to mindful living? How to create achievable goals? It starts with intention.  And that often gets missed.

For example, say I have a goal to move, and that include buying a new house. There are all the obvious action steps: choose where to move, sell house, choose new house, pack, move, etc. There are a million decisions and steps in between. What informs those action-oriented goal-steps? What creates success and achievement for one, and disillusionment and frustration for another?.

In the world of manifesting your dream life, intentions are the under-structure of the whole process. They are the unseen force that gets the goal to happen, and in abundance, ease and joy. (Though action that backs your intention, “voting with your feet”, is important.)

The intention is the vision and feeling place inside you that you “do” the action (goal) from. What are you dreaming of? What is the highest, grandest, most creative expression of you that wants to manifest in the particular situation?

So often we start with a goal and we dial down to what we think is possible, what we deserve, what we are likely to achieve. We skip intention. Like Father/Mother God won’t be able to give us the big version? Kind of crazy to limit a force that creates galaxies, but there we are. We play very small, not-hoping for too much so we won’t be disappointed. How we fail ourselves in this strategy.

But the opposite is possible too. For example, I recently moved. I thought of where I wanted to live, narrowed it down to the City, then neighborhood and finally block on a street. I created clarity about what I wanted, why and how it would feel. Not in the future but what it felt like to be there, as if it already was.

I explored that life as if it were already happening. I talked about, visualized and lived it. I created a LifeVision Collage about it, and eventually it came to pass. All of it. Down to the the house in the photo, block I loved, with my friends and activities already installed nearby. It wasn’t hard, it was fun. It’s not magic or a miracle: it’s a practice and a tool.

Energy follows intention. In other words, what we think about tends to gather energy, which creates momentum. This then often becomes tangible physical reality: manifestation. We tend to manifest what we think about and believe will come to pass. We literally create self-fulfilling prophesy.

So if we keep dumbing down our hopes and dreams, guess what happens to them? Nothing. They go nowhere, and fast. And we should not be so surprised.

So what’s the deal there? Habits, lazy mindedness, lack of awareness and other cultural conditioning, seem to figure prominently in this picture. Add a general unconsciousness about who we really are as creators  of our lives and how grand our options could be.

We can cultivate this simple awareness. I call it “rolling out the red carpet” for yourself on the day you want to have. Whether you spend mornings in meditation or mindless activity (teeth brushing, showering, commuting), think about of your day, and how you want it to go.

When I do this, the most mundane trip to the bank or store is easy, joyful and effortless. Sure, the parking spaces, but much more. The quality of interactions are lovely and problems get solved quickly and efficiently. Unlike other non-intentional (i.e. normal unconsciousness) days that can be wrought with challenges and stress. Its an amazing life management tool.

Creating a joyful, positive future appears to be as simple as creating a happy thought about your day. Voila, another hidden secret to making a life of your creation. It’s simple, just not always easy. Have fun practicing and let me know how your red carpet unrolls for you. I’d really love to know.  

UPCOMING EVENTS: SOON! Living Your Divine Life– November 10th, 7 p.m.-8:30@ HeartSong Books, Grants Pass, OR.
Does life feel lacking in meaning or direction? You know you have a reason for being, yet it evades you. Like there is something more to life but you don’t know what it is. A dream that you can’t quite recall. At times you feel on-track, then it fades and life becomes “fine”, but lacking. It doesn’t have to be like this.    There are ways to learn who you are at your essence, and tools that help get to the specifics of your life purpose and other Big Questions. Many are finding answers and living their dream lives. Join Claire for a lively interactive workshop and learn tools that can help you find and live your soul’s calling.   You will learn: ~Ways to mine your life experience for life purpose information

  • How to clear obstacles or fears that prevent you from getting or using this information.
  • Tools for success in finding and living your purpose.
  • Resources and support for getting more clarity about your life questions.
    CALL TO REGISTER: 541.659.7284

ON-GOING: Radiant Clarity Meditation Class1st and 3rd Wednesdays @7pm, HeartSong Books, Grants Pass, OR Connect with your divine inner being through meditation. Find the stillness where peace, clarity & joy all emanate. Experience guided and silent meditations, from a variety of spiritual traditions, designed to allow you to slip into the centered place inside yourself.   Novice and experienced meditators from all faith paths are welcome. Join at any time. Align with a clear, rejuvenated, radiant you. Fee: By donation Questions? Call Claire Sierra 541/659-7284 or

PLAN Spirit Faire, November 7,2009 from 10-4 @Grants Pass Fairgrounds. Talk: “Living Your Divine Purpose” at 11

Awaken Your Divine ConnectionNovember 14, 2009, 10:30am-4:30pm @ HeartSong Books, Grants Pass, Oregon 541/471-6394   You know the Divine is within-but can you hear it every day? You know your life has a higher purpose, but are the details clear? It is possible to connect directly to Divine Wisdom. Whether you call that God, Higher Self, Jesus, Great Spirit, or Goddess: it is available to you.     Explore ancient and modern techniques for accessing inner wisdom and guidance. Connect to intuition in ways that bring clear, direct information.     Learn methods to get answers to big questions (like your divine purpose) and the means to move forward. Clear obstacles that are barriers to your highest good. Understand the reasons these are in place and how to release them.  
You will learn: ~ 2 Tools to connect to Source wisdom (regardless of your personal spiritual path)  ~ 2 Tools to clear fears and limiting beliefs  ~ Common barriers that obstructs us from getting the answers we need  ~ Resources and methods to for on-going growth, after the workshop “glow”
Cost: $59 CALL TO REGISTER OR QUESTIONS: 541.659.7284 or

NEW IDEA: Invite me to visit, YOU come free. Gather 9 friends at a location of your choice to a day-long, signature Radiant Clarity Soul Spa event and you attend for no charge. (Travel and accommodations not included.)   This would include a series of experiences customized to your group. Past retreats included: activities for connecting with your personal trusted source of divine wisdom & Divine Purpose, a Soul Art project (easy, fun, gorgeous), guided or silent meditation, Body Wisdom Movement Therapy and a nature activity.   The sky’s the limit, but I have some great ideas to start us off. CONTACT ME FOR DETAILS 541.659.7284 

Better YET: Radiant Clarity VIP Days: Hungry for your divine purpose and don’t want to wait? Don’t want to mess with groups or classes?     Here’s a better idea: just you and me, all day, finding your connection to Source and your Divine Purpose.   It is like a day at the spa, for your soul. Just you, me, and your custom-designed retreat. Spa services, energy treatments, creative arts, spiritual practices and skilled guidance equal rejuvenation for mind/body and spirit.   How cool is that? I have 3 slots available for November. EMAIL OR CALL 541.659.7284 TO DISCUSS