How did we go from Happy New Year to terrorist uprising/white privilege temper tantrum at the US Capitol… all in a week? The toxic masculine is hanging on to the patriarchal systems we’ve seen for years.

Do you feel battered or overwhelmed by Current Events?

Resilience is needed! And a wee timing adjustment, flowing & adapting to this moment. (Read on below.)

If you’re feeling wobbly with political unrest unfolding in the US, on top of unrelenting embittered pandemic news…. I hear you. It’s intense if you “go there.”

We know we are in a sea change, but we are not through the birth canal to that bright future (we met at Solstice) and know is possible.

This may take some time.

Ground yourself and align with the higher forces that are present for support. Yes, please. Pray to align with Mary Magdalene, angels and other Divine beings of your lineages.

This portal of initiation is not done. (And likely not soon.)

In order to sanely weather the current storms of cultural dissolution and re-creation that we sense is in potential now, as Divine Feminine creatrixes, we need to remember our essence. Attend to your own intentions and frequency. (I hope you’re not binge drinking the news. Please. Your energy is sacred, be careful!)

Access your Divine Feminine frequency so the world we are birthing can ease into being more gracefully. You are a potent field of creation!

The guidance I received from Mary Magdalene in The Magdalene Path is to balance out of control, toxic masculinity. Divine Feminine energy alignment is needed now! And we are the ones!

This act of sovereign self-sourcing: remembrance and re-calibration to the path of Rose, the Way of Love is is our work as an everyday priestess. (More on this soon.)

We can do it, but not alone. New structures for support and validation will be crucial to maintain your soul aligned vibration.

The feminine path of creativity in the Grove is inviting usWith some spaciousness and ease.

So let’s take a breath. Or two. I sense we need some room to re-calibrate to what’s happening and needed here.

To support greater ease and flow in the moment (and divine timing), I’m delaying the Writer’s Grove (Write Away) Virtual Retreat until 1/29.

See details and register. (And get huge quarterly discount to join for 3 months at 1/3 off.)

I’m also conjuring other ways to support you getting into and staying in alignment with your Divine Feminine essence. The mysteries of Mary Magdalene are gates of sustenance and support.

Hold your frequency. Gather with like-minded sisters (and brothers—you need our support too.) Create and express your soul-inspired self in work, love and life.

One option? Join us at Writer’s Grove January 29 (Details here.) Other ideas coming soon. (Or share yours, hit reply and message me! I’m always open to hearing what you need.)

The Writer’s Grove, your Write Away Virtual Retreat can be that regular place to go within, to that creative space inside. (And it’s not just for “writers” per se–open to all.) And

Join our monthly virtual space for soul-aligning creative work that you may not otherwise make time for. See details and register here.

Gather and access Divine Feminine co-creatrix you are: express your creative spark in 2021. I know I need this space for my creative work. Will you join me?

Let’s create together, dearheart