It’s the end of the year? Really?! Are you as amazed as I am? While it feels early to be doing a year end review, I found myself recognizing it was coming fast.

We are entering the Deep Quiet. I often find that time between Solstice, Christmas and New Year’s to be exceptionally still and reflective. Perhaps with Hanukkah early this year it is bringing this season to us sooner. It is our time for hibernation, rest and reflection. With the busy seasons, “harvests” of summer and autumn past, we get to review it all. Nice.

After leading several Divine Feminine Retreats, I really get that we want to bring our blessings out  NOW: clearly and directly.  You might feel this urgency to birth your “whatever I came here to do/be” into form. My blessing is to nourish your hunger for more clarity with tangible skills and experiences that bring you YOUR direct connection with Source. If that sounds like something you need in your life, read below, there’s more to come. (

This season I’m craving more quiet, creative time: painting, learning to knit and writing. I’m completing a book, guided by Mary Magdalene about Divine Feminine. I’m inspired by a recent download from Source outlining another book waiting to come forth. Cool!  Since not everyone has the time or dollars (or energy!) for travel to retreats, I’m developing on line and teleseminar classes with processes to take home and do on your own.

So, take some time and review your year’s harvest. Don’t gyp yourself by focusing solely on others and their holiday needs. That will leave you dry, hungry, exhausted and empty.  The gift of this season is quiet, inward focus. Our culture rattles us to do everything but. RESIST the urge. Give yourself this gift: review your year. Are you feeling full and complete, or is there more clamoring to emerge? Listen for one answer, one step you can take to bring it further into form. Make time and do that.

Spirit calls you home. By whatever name you call it (the name doesn’t matter, its the connecting that does!)

Blessings of Light in this Season of Dark. See you next year!
