This is such a powerful time! There’s no denying that, with this unrelenting pandemic, eco-tragedies, political drama, and social unrest. It seems we are being stripped of who and what we thought we were and finding the gold within.

Not always easy, and a sometime painful process, no?

This month has so many energy blessings embedded within, it may just be the silver lining we’ve been waiting for. I’m seeing some great opportunities for amplifying your soul light, if you know when and where to activate your magic. With some ways to deepen.

Following Divine Feminine guidance and the path of a priestess means following the flow but not always having a clear plan. I’ve felt compelled for months to dive deeper into the Rosary as a mystic power practice, in December. I didn’t understand, but it felt imperative, despite shifting sands and muddy waters.

And this month has all kinds of starry blessings we can align with to lovingly support the process of expansion we’re going through. All the astrologers, psychics, and sages agree here, including one of my favorites.

It’s a portal to our possibility. So let’s leverage that energy to our collective advantage and magnify this potential.

Here’s how power-packed this month is!

We started the Mystic Rosary on Saturday 12/12, the Holy Day of Guadalupe. As an emanation of the Divine Mother, she’s a portal holder to a greater field of Divine Feminine consciousness opening…

Next dip into Praying the Mystic Rosary at Winter Solstice, on 12/21, an especially potent moment, with a celestial alignment amplifying it’s power that astrologers all gaga over. (You should join us. It’s free.)

At Solstice, the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn are dancing so closely in our night sky, that they’ll appear as one planet… just like the star that was seen in the sky by the 3 wise men at the birth of Yeshua (or Jesus, in Greek).

This Great Conjunction heralds major planetary changes and shifts in consciousness, many seers note. This alignment–which hasn’t occurred for 860 years and the birthing of the Renaissance–is seen as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. (These shifts happen approximately every 2000 years–this is big!) You can read more here.

One astrologer said this move will “give us the determination to break through existing structures to find new, more sustainable ways to live.

Allow yourself to drop in this day to align yourself with love. Use this time to amplify your self care as soul care. Deepen your Divine Connection—there’s an infinite amount of love and support for you.

Explore the mysteries of the Rosary–we’ll be exploring this as a mystic portal to access Mary Magdalene, (and how she relates to Solstice) as we shift to a new version of an old prayer.

This series allows you to activate your Divine Feminine allies. It’s just getting started. And it’s free.

Deepen the energies of this seasonal node in ritual, as we allow the dive into winter’s inward gaze.

By setting into Praying the Mystic Rosary practice you’ll have a new tool in place so that you’re not knocked sideways by all that is going on. (Or realistically, you can re-align yourself back on center when you do.)

The series continues as we travel through Christmas, New Year’s Eve and Day…yowza!

To support you, join us for a free virtual experience over the holidays–there’s still 4 more sessions and time to join us. And it’s free. (Heart contributions graciously welcomed. Read on below.)

Change is happening. let’s do this together, sister (brother)


PS In awkward transparency, I need to clean up an integrity glitch. My FREE offer originally required a donation. That felt off, so now you can attend for free and make a heart contribution, if you feel called.

PSS This circle is not just white women! Though my lineage is based in Celtic, Avalonian and Magdalenian Christianity, there is room in our circle for all who feel called. I love that men and BIPOC sisters exploring Magdalene Mysteries and the Divine Feminine are finding your way here. And I’m explicitly awkwardly inviting this more.

I welcome my BIPOC and LBGTQ sisters, as we dismantle racism and systemic oppression to create the world our hearts know is possible. Please invite interested friends in your world to this temple. Let’s keep moving in that direction, together! Blessed be!