Breathing in, at the end of my meditation and prayer practice, I ground and connect. Returning to my center and spiritual practices, to recapture my own divine alignment.
The craziness of the world “out there” only mirrors the confusion and chaos in the collective, that’s being felt, and has been for a long time.
But we don’t have to step into that. We can recapture our Divine Alignment and live harmony.
Once again, this is a shift from the toxicity of the masculine gone awry, entering a deeply feminine state of grace.
How do we do this? Slow the F* down… Feed the Feminine First.
Return to the practices and approaches that are uniquely feminine in energy and form—not female body, but feminine soul. Mind and heart aligned in love. Peace, connection.
We can return here… and we must.
Yes, there are times when it seems challenging, nary impossible to go there.
But that’s why we practice, so when we are feeling especially ruffled, frayed, pushed, stretched beyond our conscious intentions of the life we want to be living… we can return. To Source.
If you feel called to deepen into YOUR Feminine Soul, and a community of sisters (and a few awesome bros) who resonate with your goddess steeped path, scroll down to find a bevy of options to nourish your silky soul self.
*F stands for Feminine, silly… what did you think I meant? 😉
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