I’ve been moving through some big breakthroughs, these past few weeks. How ’bout you? I’m leaning in to what works for me (See Getting Your Groove Back-Time Tested Tricks, Tools and Totems)
It’s been week of big reflections in my world that have made it really apparent that even when things look good, I’m not there to enjoy them. I’m so focused on what I need to do to be successful in the future, that I am virtually MISSING my NOW.
I’m so busy trying to get to some nameless “there” that I’m not in joy here. Now. Present. Bliss.
I’ve been resonating with the realization that we are such a scarcity-based culture, according Brene Brown, in her seminal, Daring Greatly. (Have you read it yet? Do that now.) We are surrounded by riches and always on the gerbil wheel of wanting more/better that we don’t relish and enjoy what we have.
Can you relate?
I’ve unearthed a subtle but pervasive pattern of “if only….” Underneath that is relentless whispers (more than I’d care to admit) of self-criticism, judgement and recrimination. Mostly over stupid stuff I should have done better. Only if…I think, then here/now would be better.
Problem is, here/now would be great if I opened my eyes and heart and allowed it in.
I’m not seeing the good that surrounds me, and that I’ve co-created.
So I’ve been letting it in. Wowza!
The result? So much beauty, bounty and bliss! I’m enjoying what I have and feel so blessed! And its been here all along!!
How about you? Are you really appreciating yourself for all your strident efforts at self improvement: your care, connection, beauty and soul? Do you feel truly grateful for all you have and all you are?
Post your comments here on the blog.
Only by being real, grateful and present, in this now moment can we receive the blessings that are right here in our lives. Breakthroughs happen, bliss appears!!
PS I’ve made a free chapter of the book, The Magdalene Path available for you. If you haven’t already, download a sneak peek.. I’m pleased that so far the response has been tremendous. Let me know what you think!
(If this was forwarded by a friend, please visit BlissBreakthrough. com and sign up for this newsletter. You’ll get a free MP3 download of a guided meditation that’s in the book.)
©2013 Claire Sierra BlissBreakthrough.com
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