We had 80 people join the the Portal of Possibility virtual meditation retreat, an outstanding response. Clearly a “yes” to greater possibility and potential.

I’m hoping you enjoyed it and had time to listen to the replay if you were not able to visit with us “live”.

Based on the suggstion of a few readers, I developed a short coaching program, to keep the momentum and energy going as we cruise into 2012.

I know the Portal  of 11/11/11 remains open and there are likely to be challenges as we step into our bigger self expression and possiblility, personally and collectively.


With expansion comes contraction, as we want and fear change, simultaneously. As we step into joy, we touch despair or overwhelm, feeling stuck and incapable of reaching the change we know (intellectually) is there for us to move into. Happen to you?


Many have shared their feelings of stress, overwhelm, burnout,  even depression and despair. For me I’ve been surprised by the response to the offer. And to be totally transparent, disappointed.


Hence my question: did I miss something? would you take a moment and drop me a line or two about “what didn’t work”….in the class, about the teleseminar logistics? Tell me about whatever kept you from jumping in with a big “yes”. It will help me for next time.


We need support and reminders to make our way now. The Shift is on. The intensity right now is a match to the longing we have to live a life of our dreams, one that works for everyone.


There’s still time to join me in the Portal of Possibility 4 week teleseminar that STARTS MONDAY.  I need to know by Sunday morning, early, so I can get you the details you need to join us. If you want to check it out again, here’s the link to the  4 week teleseminar coaching group,

Bless and be blessed,


P.S. If you are curious about this but would rather work with me privately, please email me. I may have space for private sessions.