Forget your New Year’s Resolutions. You can’t remember them by Groundhog’s Day, for pete sake, so how can they create lasting change?


And why do that to yourself? Those lists, those promises, who do they belong to anyway?


Let’s talk instead about what is really in your heart. What dream are you aching to create? Start there. Right now. Write it down, even in a private place, on a tiny scrap of paper that no one else will see.


There, doesn’t that feel better? It’s out of you. But shoot, that’s huge and scary to see it, now isn’t it? No wonder you were keeping it hidden in your heart.
Relax, calm down, breathe.  NO amount of hiding it from yourself is keeping it from you, is it? So now you have it, a big juicy mess, right here at the end/beginning of the year.


So feel how impossible it is. That’s okay, just acknowledge it. Feels better, huh?   Okay now a bold step. You know this is unlikely, maybe even impossible (or it wouldn’t be an un-done hidden secret, right?)


Now wonder, what would it be like to do/be/have ___________? Who would I have to do, be or have? Think in the broadest, most general way possible.  Feel the feeling of having it, as if you already do. Give yourself loads of permission to connect to that expansive  possibility.


Okay, here’s the pivot move: think of one teeny, tiny step. One little action to do. It might be something to internet search, or someone to call or write.  Think REALLY small. Not a big huge 17 page list of steps, just one, maybe 2– 3 at the most. That seems possible, even doable now, doesn’t it?


Don’t overwhelm yourself with all that it would take to get from here (bleh) to there (ta-da!). but do keep feeling the feeling of it being done, as if it were.


Take that tiny bite and give it a go. In a year from now, after a hundred or even a million of “just one next step”, you might be looking at, sitting in, that secret holy desire that seemed so unachievable earlier today.


Everything that has ever been worth doing, has been scary to start. But if it’s in our comfort zone, its not a dream, is it?  What the heck, give it a try, you never know, it just might work.