I’m just back from pilgrimage in the Languedoc, the south of France, where I activated deeper aspects of The Magdalene Path. It was powerful beyond words.

I’m still integrating the experience, I’ll share more in a bit.

One thing that’s so compellingly clear about  Magdalene, is that her story was distorted on purpose. She was named the Apostle to the Apostles–lineage holder– by Jesus.

She’s a great icon of  stolen feminine power who holds a potent spiritual sensual healing lineage waiting to be tapped.

But Her story got  distorted, eliminated and forgotten. She was removed on purpose as part of a bigger movement to shift the message and control and dis-empower women. And it worked… for eons. It’s barely better now.

To survive it, we adapted (women are great adapters) and operated in man-mode–the only real means of success in a patriarchal culture. But now the cost of this hyper masculine system is too great. Thus Feminine Soul revives.

Like a dormant spring renewed.

After the ordeal of Yeshua (his name in Aramaic, or Jesus in Greek) Magdalene left Israel, went to Egypt then to southern France, where I just spent 11 days. (you can read more about her journey in The Magdalene Path.)

She traveled with the Maries, priestesses and healers who shared her mission, teaching The Way of Love that began with Yeshua. What is notable is she didn’t do it alone.

Many of us now hunger for this kind of connection with soul and sisters, which is why I created Sisterhood Supper, a bi-monthly open dinner party for women at the Balch Hotel.

You join our big table, order food and wine and enjoy curated conversation that matters. We laugh, cry and share what’s moving in our lives and hearts. You can read more details HERE. Next one is Thursday August 16.

You coming?

Join us.

We need Her (in all our many faces) to bring life back into balance. We do this together.

Bright Blessings!



P.S.  If this isn’t your cuppa, maybe a dose of creativity would be in order. Consider Creative Spirits on August 22 at Jacob Williams.  Check the events tab for details about this and other upcoming Soul Nourishment.

I do promise to do a virtual temple, hopefully in September or October. If that’s of interest, email back what days and times are good for you.

And Virtual Book Club IS coming, stay tuned!