Amazing. A year ago I went on a pilgrimage, to a mythical place—Avalon. I’ve had a strong spiritual connection there, even before writing The Magdalene Path and discovering Mary Magdalene had traveled there, (you can read more about that HERE)
We traveled to ancient sacred sites–Christian and pagan—holy places for eons and entered a deep alchemical space, full of myth metaphor, ritual and magic. The light and energy we conjured was palpable. (And still is!)
To say it was amazing is an understatement.
Our intention was to awaken the Avalon lineage. Activating the inner marriage of Christ consciousness—for women, the Christess within. 😉
In robes of red at the mythic Chalice Well. In white, dipping in full body baptism in an arched Roman cavern. Walking and waking ancient ley lines of Christ consciousness. Traversing and singing to the great standing stones of Avebury circle and atop the Glastonbury Tor, anointing other tourist pilgrims with holy oil.
The Magdalene stream is so present in Avalon. She, the anointer to the anointed one: Christess to Christ. Bride to beloved. Bliss!
Not all fairies and unicorns, we also met the grief of losing of Her, as all goddess lore was lost.
What was taken from us, by disappearing Magdalene and ALL the other sacred Feminine goddesses, priestesses, wise women and healers through time, who have been silenced, discredited, or lost?
Great damage has been done. Women’s sacred magic went underground And with it, our power.
By eliminating the priestess and silencing the Feminine leadership to the all-powerful patriarchy we get environmental catastrophe, systemic/unconscious racism, unbridled greed, sexism/misogyny, rape culture, white supremacy, climate change and the endless profitable war cycles of the military industrial complex. What a legacy!
But this must end. #NeverAgain.
In order to be the change we wish to see in the world, we must speak, act and be the powerful beings we are. The time is Now.
Standing as a priestess is about your empowerment as a spiritual being, not a personal ego upgrade. And what that looks like is different, for everyone. Ultimately it’s a return to sanity, so all life so all may prosper and live to full divine potential.
Creating a New Earth for all.
Not just a fair few.
Spiritual Homecoming
Experiencing Magdalene’s powerful sacred presence, historically and spiritually, is a great homecoming. Oh, remembering! Our magic is reclaimed together.
As we remember our ancient lineages, we weave threads of light from long ago into life today.
Returning from Avalon, it’s not a question of how to deepen the mythic teachings that got transmitted, but to maintain the Truth and alignment in the face of crushing political moments that arise and fall daily, in the midst of a busy and mundane life.
Priestessing is not just about robes, crystals and meditating.
As enspirited women reclaim ancient power, we act in the world (however we feel called). But there is magic in gathering in sacred space.
We replenish and remember together.
So when the opportunity arose for a second pilgrimage—a similar group returning to the south of France, where Magdalene lived—I burst into tears. . Full-body reactions aren’t a trifle, The Magdalene Codes call me, I said yes.
I am sure more awaits me there, I feel the quickening of the initiations ahead. I can’t wait to share it with you.
So, it appears a perfect time to offer another Temple Sophia circle. Let’s gather just before Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day and deepen into the mythic Avalon and Magdalene Mysteries.
Join me for a direct experience of Magdalene magic, simple ritual and the power of the priestess within. We’ll explore balancing Feminine and Masculine energy in your work and home. Access pleasure in your life and body. And make peace with being who and how you are.
You’ll explore your creativity as a sacred practice and divination tool. And get a clearer, stronger Divine Connection with Magdalene or other Sacred Feminine guides, for 24/7 direction on your path. And you’ll relax and restore your world-weary spirit with soul nourishment.
This isn’t only about just creating refuge and rejuvenation for you, but empowering and catalyzing change in the world around you. Isn’t it time for that?
It’s crucial right now—in these times of strife and dismantling—for us to feel supported, connected and uplifted. Let’s meet in person to access the power of the circle and activate the portal of the hotel. After I return we’ll do this virtually.
Next Temple Sophia is.Wednesday, July 18! Won’t you join us? Details below and HERE Register early! Seats are limited.
Bright Blessings!
P.S. If you’re attending for the first time, there’s a 2 for 1 special to bring a sister for free. Scroll down for details about this and other upcoming Soul Nourishment.
I do promise to do a virtual version in early August. if that’s of interest, email back what days and times are good for you.
And Virtual Book Club IS coming, stay tuned!
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