ancient future woman with flowers

Feminine Soul Clarity

Embody All You’re Here To Be

Transitions, life changes and inner urges for new direction can be so hard and take so long. Navigating divorce, job change, death, and/or moving makes it hard to know what the next step really is.

And many of us are so tired of the cultural programming of putting ourselves last that we don’t even know what we want. (Just. Not. This!)

You might be noticing lurking depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, overwhelm…. but underneath there’s a nagging sense of something being off. And a bigger, deeper, brighter calling peeking through. But you’re just not sure what it is.

And that’s a painful place to be. End your misery.

Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul

Your wisdom and power are alive within you, they just need tending and training. When making quantum shifts in our life, we can rarely see and make sense of it on our own.

Connect with deep feminine magic and replenish yourself from a sacred well from a different source. Get the support you need to make the shifts your soul yearns for. Start here:

Feminine Soul Clarity Session

Start with a Feminine Soul Clarity Session. This deep dive is part oracle reading, soul purpose coaching, expressive arts therapy, energy healing, body wisdom meditation, and sacred oil anointing–rooted in the ancient Goddess temples  & your embodied wisdom.

This experience is for you if you’re navigating transition: facing challenges or big changes and looking to embody a more authentic version of yourself, rooted in the new Divine Feminine paradigm.

Done from the comfort of your home temple virtually, using Zoom, or in person in the Spa Sanctuary at the Balch Hotel in the Columbia Gorge in Oregon.

You’ll be guided to drop within, deeply tapping into a grounded, expanded experience of your own embodied divine wisdom. You’ll receive clarity about a niggling challenge or confounding question that keeps you from your highest expression and calling.

You’ll receive some nourishing solutions that align with your intention, in order to get back on track and moving forward again in a way that feels free and aligned.

You’ll also learn practices and processes to embody a deeper daily connection with Feminine Soul, to balance your inner masculine for walking through everyday life.

AND (bonus!) you’ll receive a 20 minute follow-up call after the session, to check-in and see how you’re doing and discuss your next steps.

You get a recording of the session, to review and deepen. (Re-listening to the session is powerful and highly recommended!)

 Reserve your session here.*

While each session is unique to your needs, our 75 minute session will likely include:

  • Being guided into a sacred space with grounding meditation and sacred oil anointing.
  • Discussing your issue or question with time to engage/gather insights.
  • Experiencing Reiki energy healing.
  • Receive Divine guidance through an oracle card.
  • Explore a few post-session actions to bring it fully into body.
  • Schedule follow up call to see how the process is unfolding for you.
  • Review the recording and my notes from our session, afterward, for you to absorb more fully.

I’ve been doing this counseling, coaching and healing work for 30+ years, and this combination of modalities has been astonishing in it’s effect and impact.

“In receiving a Feminine Soul Clarity Session, I experienced a deep inner heart awareness of a tangled web in my body, which was blocking my creative abilities in moving forward with my soul’s work. Thank you dearly Claire for shining the Light where was most needed. I realized answers I needed,  receiving guidance I can take to heart.”  –Laila D., Oregon

“…a really profound experience that has shifted my energy in ways that have made my happiness and engagement in life possible. Not just “that was nice”—this work has really changed things. Really stellar and life-shifting, thank you! ”  –Carol V., Santa Rosa, CA


Experience your Feminine Soul Clarity session virtually using Zoom (free on-line conferencing) or in person at the Balch Hotel‘s Spa Sanctuary in the Columbia River Gorge, Oregon. (Let us know which you prefer at time of booking.)

75 minute session $222

Includes 20 minute follow up session and recording.
We’ll send you a link to schedule your session after payment.
(Please allow 24 hours, weekdays.)

Buy Now Button

Need more info to get started?!

  • Email Claire
  • Call or text 541.659.7284 (Monday – Friday 10 am -6 pm Pacific Time)
  • Request a complimentary 20 minute Consultation Session. Book yours here.

Be sure to mention Feminine Soul Clarity Session in your subject line or meeting request.