Reclaiming The Divine Feminine

Many women are feeling the calling to awaken the Divine Feminine, hidden & repressed for over 2500 years.
You may not know exactly what that means or how to do it. Yet you sense a deep need, a hunger, to remember & reclaim what was lost so very long ago.
The consequences of the loss of the feminine has been devastating in so many aspects of our lives: personally, socially, politically, and environmentally.
Stress, depression, confusion and fear are but a few of her symptoms.  And yet we are so used to it we don’t even see it missing.
Do you feel crunched for time, space and feeling never-enough? Ever crave authentic connection with your own soul and others? Time to create, to be? Do you hunger to feel whole & complete, in union with the Divine in and around you?

And we’ve benefited from the excesses of this masculinized culture. We have freedoms and wealth that women in many cultures do not. So while pleased with our successes, we are also left exhausted and yearning for more.

Thankfully, secret societies that have long excluded women are now irrelevant. We are in a time where tools and teachings are available as never before. The heavens seem to support us in our quest for awakening.
Early this winter, I connected more deeply with Mary Magdalene. I have had a strong passion for her mysteries for over 20 years, and have done more academic research and spiritual study than one would imagine.
Through the newly emerging mysteries of Mary Magdalene I am discovering ancient archetypes & modern wisdom that are key to recovering sacred union, the balance between masculine and feminine. And I see the how she symbolizes a struggle to be seen and honored for who she really is.
While the church has tried to demonize and discredit her, she has not disappeared. She is beloved, despite her questionable reputation.  She remains visible, yet her message is unacknowledged.
We intuitively know that there is more to her than we’ve been told. She is hiding in plain sight. Like so many beautiful, powerful women I know.
Lately this mirrors my own life, more than I’d care to admit.  I bravely share this I and hear, “Oh yes, me too.” So probably it’s not just me. As I bring my biggest brightest self out of hiding, I get that there’s a deeper mystery available to us in the sacred feminine face of God. As I shine, you shine too.
We can experience and embody a connection to divinity that is grounded in the feminine essence. This reorients us. We start to live our lives from a different reference point. We shift past old wounds & patterns of staying small, safe and invisible that have bogged so many of us down for years.
It is time to shine. Awaken the divinity in you. Come join me. As my mom always said, “the more, the merrier.”