Breaking Down Barriers That Keep You Small

Just a quick heads up, since I know you’re busy. The Women’s Empowerment Summit that I am so thrilled to participate in just started. (It’s free, of course.)

Each day for nine days you’ll receive a link to two interviews with women mentors. You’ll have 72 hours to listen to each one, so you can still catch them all.


The theme for this series is How to Break Down the Barriers That Keep You Small. Awesome, huh?

If you’ve been around me for any amount of time, you know I’m very passionate about the topic of breaking down barriers, getting free and empowered — especially for women.

And you can attend–completely free of charge by simply registering here:

I’m so excited to be part of this event with such a great group of speakers. We’re going to cover how to:

  • Move from I’m not enough to feeling I AM enough!
  • Get over your fears of failure and start taking leaps in your life and work.
  • Show up and be seen in your life–even when you are afraid.
  • Love and accept your body!
  • Define your worth from the inside out rather than the outside in.
  • Get really clear about what you want for yourself and your life so you can create it!
  • Stop the addiction to perfection.

Here’s the best part:

Over the weekends, you can re-listen to the interviews, or catch the ones you missed. I love doing this while gardening, painting or taking a walk.

You’ll get emails with links every single day for the remainder of the event.

All without having to pay a dime.

So here’s the recap:

18 (or more!) leading experts in personal transformation (myself included) are going to be sharing how to overcome the barriers that keep you small!

Even though it started this week, it’s NOT  too late to join and  you can hear the replays this weekend. Reserve your spot now by clicking here.

Let me know what you think!
claire sig


PS: This is a inspired panel of Feminine Soul centered speakers and Heather is deep and committed, so no doubt these conversations will be value packed. Join us!