Discovering This Relationship Can Change Everything
In our culture, the myth of the ‘Soulmate’ is strong — the belief that, if we just find the right one, they will bestow perfect happiness on us. Through trial and error, we eventually discover that our fulfillment cannot be dependent on another.
We are called back home, to discover the Soulmate Within. And that through cultivating our own inner love affair, we pave the way for another – a true soulmate union.
So when I was contacted and invited by my new friend (and true soul sister) Shakti Malan, Ph.D., to participate in her the Soulmate Within Summit, I was all-in. Our conversation was rich, deep and juicy. So much so, that she made it a bonus call on the Summit!
Shakti has a depth and presence that really catalyzes amazing insights. She has created this global event to offer revolutionary conversations about what is possible in the field of love and relating. I know it will be very special. And I don’t say that often.
Free Global Event
The Soulmate Within Summit
6 – 9 April, 2016
The Summit showcases the radical possibilities of awake relating offered by luminaries who guide us to move beyond stereotypical ideas of gender and relationship to explore what happens when we truly meet in love.
Register for free and join a rich conversation by ten teachers in the fields of consciousness, intimacy, attraction, sacred sexuality, classical Tantra, psychology and awake relating.
Learn more and register here for the Soulmate Within Summit
By participating in the Soulmate Within Summit, you will:
~ Get a visceral experience of coming home to yourself as the first beloved
~ Have insights into the dynamics of attraction in relationship
~ Discover powerful ways of transmuting ‘the war between the sexes’
~ Learn how ‘mutual awakening’ is possible, not only between a couple, but in society at large
~ Discover more about the true nature of love and relating, beyond gender stereotypes.
Our vision with the Summit is to create a space for a global re-imaging of what is possible in intimacy, love and relationship, within and between human beings.Register here to ensure your access.
(if for some reason the link is broken, copy/paste this in your browser: ]
The summit runs from 6 to 9 April with 2-3 sessions each day and a live Q&A at the end of the day. If you can’t make the sessions live, don’t worry you’ll get access to the recordings of everything.
With love, goddess,
PS: there’s still space in next week’s upcoming, in-person 2+ day retreat at The Balch Hotel: REvitalize & Rejuvenate…Get Your Sexy Back!
Lately I’ve dropped into a deeper experience of my Goddessness. My energy, vitality, sensuality, and divine connection all are “on” in a way I’ve never quite experienced before. I don’t say this lightly–it’s dramatic.
At the retreat we’ll be sharing how you can have this too. I’m am over-the-moon excited about where this can take us, personally and collectively as women.
Do you have any questions? If you’re not coming, I wonder… what’s keeping you? I’d love to hear.
Revitalize & Rejuvenate
…. and Get Your Sexy Back!
A 2 Day Women’s Retreat with Claire Sierra, MA and Helen McConnell at the Balch Hotel in the Columbia Gorge, Oregon
Are you a spiritually aligned woman who’s tired of struggling in your life and work the way it is?
You’re working hard, but not getting where you thought you’d be—tired of feeling unfulfilled and getting so little reward/results.
You know there’s a different way.
You’ve had glimpses–connection to your Divine Femininebut wonder how to keep it going.
Join us for 2 days in the Columbia Gorge and discover how to:
Activate your Feminine Soul and bring it into balance with your masculine side.
Consistently connect to your deeper wisdom and power to fuel your inspired life.
Experience confidence and clarity about who you really are—and start to live from this place.
Get away and pamper yourself at a 2 day retreat in the Columbia Gorge, in the sacred space of The Balch Hotel.
Go here for more details
End the isolation–gather with like-minded women and revitalize your juicy feminine essence, in a gorgeous, relaxing retreat setting.
April 16 and 17 PLUS: Bonus Evening April 15
Retreat: $127 (plus Lodging) if registered by April 1. (no joke!)
AFTER APRIL 1: Retreat: $167 (plus lodging) after 4/1
Call 541.467.2277 or go here for more details.
(if the link is broken go to:
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