Lately its all about releasing and receiving to harness the new energy that’s present now.

Equinox started us off, then Easter, and May Day (Mary Day or Beltane to some) continues this path of re-balancing inside and out with the forces of Spring.

At Temple Sophia last month, 22 women (!!) launched a new red tent-type gathering in the parlor of the Balch Hotel, in circle to explore new life bursting forth, and how that’s emerging in their lives.

I was in awe. I saw deep, strong, creative, resourceful women, tired of being frustrated, exhausted and overwhelmed. Hungering for self-care, a deeper connection with other like-minded women, and with sacred mystery or Goddess.

We pondered our relationship with Temple and Priestessing in daily life, dancing through  powerful, resonant words & imagery.  There was a collective affirmation that gathering in circle is not frivolous, it’s potent, powerful and necessary as we lean in and stand together as women.

What arises in you when you see the words priestess or temple?

Confusing? Anger? Excitement? Shame?

To me Priestess conveys spiritual power, leadership and authority of the Feminine in everyday life. Not just on the meditation pillow.

The priestess held a sacred role of sovereign leadership and self-authority in ancient days. Think: Mary and Mary Magdalene in the Christian tradition, Quan Yin and Tara in the East, Athena & Artemis in ancient days…just to name a few.

But they were lost, removed in recent eons.

With the rise of patriarchy the place for powerful feminine leadership was dangerous.  Oppressing women and people of color was a necessary tool for power and control.

So we lost the priestess for centuries. But she’s coming back, in spades.

I’ve felt connected to the sacred mysteries of the priestess path for decades, but it had no name. Despite my connection to Mary Magdalene, I carried that title secretly. Fear of rejection is a powerful distraction from Truth.

Maybe this is true for you? It’s a classic struggle.

But since my trip to Avalon–and in light of current events–unveiling the priestess and unapologetically claiming our power and leadership as women feels right and even urgent.

No more pretending, hiding, playing small or shame.

I know that you may feel this inner urging. Even if you don’t resonate with the word, that’s the empowering work of feminism and women’s circles.

Refill Your Well with the Magic of Your Soul

As an infinitely practical priestess, priestessing is not just about robes, amulets and talismans. (Though they’re cool, yes.)

At Temple Sophia  I witnessed the power of the collective. In temple, we feel heard, exploring unspoken ideas and emotions, get creative, and are seen as our authentic selves. We are loved and cared for in our challenges, and celebrated in our triumphs.

It’s a space to practice who we know and want ourselves to be in our soul essence. And find Her when we’ve lost touch.

Something happens when we catalyze the power of group, ritual and sacred space.  Deep connection, soulful presence, and embodied spiritual practices creates transformation.

Reclaiming the Priestess Reweaves the Fabric of Life

We live in extraordinary times, when separation and polarity are creating epic levels of political divisiveness, environmental catastrophe, personal and community tragedy.

The personal, spiritual and political are no longer separate.

As women, we re-member and affirm the unbroken wholeness in the fabric of Life, knowing each part is connected. It is our nature in Feminine Soul. This is a natural expression of our sacred work.

It’s not about waiting until we’re “done” or “ready.”

That day may never come, sister, and Rome burns while we wait.

We’re poised to steer our communities towards wholeness and connection, which will heal the ills of our day. And we do it together.

It’s time to use the safety of our circle–consciously widening and extending our hands to sisters of color–to do our sacred work. (If you missed the other articles on this theme, you can read HERE.) Otherwise we’re missing our true sisterhood.

It’s a deep walk to reclaim the priestess, (and feminism) without fear of shame or persecution. The burning times are over. And we can make anything happen we put our hearts to.

Join us!



P.S.  Next Temple Sophia will be in the Illinois Valley outside of Cave Junction, April 25th. Details below or register HERE.

Next Temple Sophia in the Gorge: Wednesday May 16 6:30-9 pm. $19 advance $25 at the door. Details below or register HERE.

Maybe you need a deeper dive than an evening reconnect. Well & Being Retreat is May 4-6. . See details below or HERE.

And yes, I am getting a virtual version together. Soon, sister. I promise.