You might recall I wrote that we’d be moving March 1 to own and operate The Balch Hotel. But there’s been a bit of change so I wanted to update you.
We’ve been immersed in packing and preparing to go. But big changes have lots of moving parts–not all of them under my control!
Things are still in process–which means we are moving forward, just not exactly yet.
With this comes great opportunities for trust, surrender, aligning with Divine Timing and purpose–getting our inner and outer house in order.
Easy to say, not always simple to do.
How do you manage multiple levels of change and complexity?
As women, we tend to be good multi-taskers, but life challenges stretch our limit sometimes.
My go-to life-saver practices are Listening to Spirit (what I call dialoguing with your Higher Guidance), LightBreath and Godline meditations (all outlined in The Magdalene Path and under the FREE RESOURCES tab at
I also lean in on my professional support system (Hallelujah team! Which reminds me–if you don’t have that kind of up-under you support that support your bigger vision, let’s talk–email me to set up a complimentary consultation.)
Which Spiritual Tools or Practices keep you aligned with WHAT you desire, but not be attached to HOW you get there (Timing and Outcome)?
I wrote a blog post about how to remain aligned and on-purpose as you navigate times of change and uncertainty. (Read more here….)
Good News!
It appears I’ll be here a bit longer. So with that, I have 2 things I’ll to let you know about:
First, I heard from a few of you who wanted to come to last week’s SisterSoul Salon but were unable unable to attend. I decided to offer another one, out in the Illinois Valley, next week.
So, I’m inviting you to one last gathering for my local sisters, to share what I’ve learned and to celebrate all the juicy goodness here. Are you in?
Whether you’ve come before or never made it yet, please come and say good-bye. It would mean so much to me.
I’ve just realized these short evening events are not the best for the juicy kind of soul-expressed art-making I want you to experience, so Sunday March 15 let’s get together for an Art Spa 1/2 day art retreat at my home in Grants Pass.
We’ll access your inner vision and make a beautiful, soul-inspired piece of art, using a process that is part shamanic art therapy and part artful divination. It will be really fun.
Email me if you’re in.
Here’s to rolling with changes and blooming where you’re planted,
JUST ADDED: New Cave Junction Retreat Evening!!
Come play one last time….
with Claire Sierra, MA author of The Magdalene Path
Are you ready to navigate challenge and change from your Feminine center…. so you can stop struggling and finally fulfill your deepest dreams and desires?
Access your Feminine Wisdom and live from purpose, passion and possibility–without feeling exhausted, overworked and overwhelmed all the time.
Add in a little Full Moon magic, food & chocolate….
Relax and recharge in a supportive circle of sisters. Explore your deepest yearnings, with tools to revitalize your juicy sensuous self.
Play and have fun! Let’s see where the evening takes us….
* Nourish your Self with potluck fingerfoods and refreshments.
* Center, reflect and share in a safe and sacred space.
* Connect with Magdalene Mysteries.
* Celebrate and release as we welcome changes of this Full Moon.
Do you have a friend you’d like to invite? Sure! Forward this email.
Whether you’ve come to one (or more) of my events or you’ve wanted to but never made it yet. Replenish and revitalize Self and Soul at the 5th SisterSoul Salon….
LAST CIRCLE. (As far I I know, honest) It’s sure to be sweet…
when: Thursday, March 5, 6-9pm
where: private home in Cave Junction!
Directions provided after registration
how much: $10-20 sliding scale (you choose your price)
* Inquire about barter & scholarship opportunities
The last 3 Salons filled quickly so RSVP and Register HERE thru PayPal:Or go to and send registration fee to
Questions? Email (or hit reply):
RSVP by February 17 – I’ll send a address/directions with your confirmation.
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