A few days ago I had one of those moments. You know: time slows down, light glows and a new awareness drops in.
I’d spent a lovely afternoon with a lively group of intelligent, sensitive women–all in various stages of transition–at the Paint Your Goddess ArtSpa retreat in my home.
We activated Divine guidance through meditating, writing and creating art. Connection was deep and bright. It was a really good day, by all accounts.
This was the 3rd event I’d led in my local community in 3 weeks. I hadn’t planned it that way. Originally I wanted to offer “one last event” before my move from Southern Oregon.
But as we plan in Feminine flow, something different emerged.
Do you notice things like this happening to you?
When we cease pushing to make things happen from our masculine, but instead surrender and lead from Divine Guidance of Feminine Soul, magic shows up. I could never have pulled off 3 events in 3 weeks if I was trying to do that from my masculine mode. It would have been crazy and totally exhausting. Instead it emerged organically, and was easy and fun.
But that was not the whole “Aha!”
Later that evening I reflected on the day’s unfoldment—all the magic and synchronicities of women moving into their deeper wisdom and power. I sat on my sofa looking at what had been an art studio filled with a riot of pastels, glue, glitter and the laughter of women just a few hours before.
That’s when it happened.
I had the felt sense message: this chapter is now done. My time here is complete. We are cleared to move.
This is a good thing—we’ve had our home on the market for several months and are poised to move. (You can read more about that here.) I feel a new level of freedom and ease about moving forward into this new venture.
Is this what needed to happen for the next step—the move—to occur?
Is there really another way anymore?
Is it still effective to push, force, grunt and grind something you want into place? And what price do you pay when you do?
But how do we function if our old-school style of planning no longer works?
Enter the realm of Feminine Soul. It is this capacity—to balance the masculine skills of logic, planning and linear thinking with the feminine qualities of holistic knowing, compassionate listening, relational sensing, organic timing, and intuitive creativity—that will be critical in the future if we are to survive the old structures breaking down as we build this world anew.
It’s not always an easy shift—believe me, I know, I had other “plans” after these 3 events that I put on hold. But I also knew that if I did not honor the feminine wisdom that was suggesting I put those plans on hold, I would suffer the consequences—not to mention being out of integrity with my mission and message.
Somehow this is the task we are called to at this time: to honor and uplift the feminine knowing/being to balance out the masculine thinking/doing we’ve been accustomed to following at all cost. Those costs are too high, personally and globally.
So we take the simple steps we can to listen within, follow the flow, honor our inner guidance, take a stand, and speak Truth. And this starts small, in our everyday lives, as much as in big bold “meaningful” actions. Those come later. By then we’ll be more practiced. And ready.
Whether you feel ready or not, follow your guidance–it’s leads to everything you’re looking for and all you are becoming.
To your emerging radiance,
P.S. I do have something very cool coming up, (a free virtual training I’ve wanted to offer for a LONG time) but I just wanted to share this with you instead. I don’t mind the marketing, but its the teaching, inspiring and being with you that fills me up.
But if this stirs something in you and you want to explore more, consider taking me up on one of my FREE BlissBreakthrough sessions. Maybe you are ready to release the blocks to your bliss and find breakthrough. Its a complimentary 45 minute consultation that you can set up by clicking here.
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