A New Look!

Do you ever have moments when something pops so clearly into your awareness that’sso obvious you can’t see how you missed it before? I had a moment like that the other day.

So, for a long time you’ve told me you love the downloads from Mary Magdalene, and that the inspiration and timely themes strike a resonant chord.  And that you’re interested in themes of connecting with (living in!) Feminine Soul, your own higher guidance to get your own downloads.  Maybe you even want to write a book from that!

So I’ve held that as the next steps I’d take (now that the move, etc. is getting settled under me.)

But the other day I had an ‘aha’ moment.

clairesmirkI realized that most of you have come to me through interest in The Magdalene Pathbook or the creative path to your Feminine Soul via the Goddess Coloring book.  That’s pretty obvious, right?

And yet I’ve continued to send the newsletter under the Bliss Breakthrough banner, not The Magdalene Path…. Duh!

Bliss Breakthrough is alive and well, but she serves The Magdalene Path. So I’m excited to offer a new visual that honors that shift in perspective.

I imagine we’ll uplevel this in weeks to come, but for now I’m happy with an imperfect action towards a more congruent image that reflects your interest and honors the path of the Magdalene, as we connect with Feminine Soul and access Divine Guidance–in whatever form that takes for you.

Your guidance doesn’t have to be Mary Magdalene to get benefit here  (though her teachings and life are profound and relevant for modern women. Not as some throwback to ancient history, but for our modern complicated messy lives in the early 21st century.)

This change feels bold and scary for some reason, but good. Let me know what you think.

In the meanwhile….

Is there anything in your life that’s so obvious but you’ve avoided seeing it?  Are you ready to take it on?  One step even? Just one.

Email me and we can chat to see if its something that I can help you with. (Now that the dust has settled I’ve got a few spots in my coaching schedule.) If not, I’ve got scads of tips,  tools and resources that I could point you to.

And please share on the blog here. (for now that’s still hosted at BlissBreakthrough–these split second insight take time to work out!) This is meant to be a conversation and I love hearing from you.

Here’s to YOUR Aha’s…and what you do with them,

P.S. Scroll down! I’ve got a great free resource/gift for you!

I do have some very cool stuff coming up–too soon to share but teleclasses and video are coming in Autumn. But I just wanted to share this with you first.

BUT if this stirs something in you and you want to explore more, consider doing a FREE Feminine Bliss Breakthrough session. Are you ready to release the blocks to your Feminine power–that’s how you access your bliss.  Its a complimentary 60 minute consultation to see where you’re ready for breakthrough with some solutions to fit your need. Click here to sign up and choose your appointment here.

Maybe it’s Time….

Treat yourself to a copy of this encouraging, inspirational book that awakens your innate beauty and ignites the power of your Feminine Soul. 

The Magdalene Path

The Magdalene Path….is a deep dive into the process of awakening your hidden power as a woman. Rooted in the wisdom of Mary Magdalene, this guidebook of Feminine Soul  offers compelling ideas and practical skills.

Bring the Sacred Feminine within you into your daily life. So there’s no longer a split between your spiritual and “regular” self!

In addition to inspiring Divine downloads from Mary Magdalene–received by Claire in meditation and prayer–you’ll discover how to create a life that nurtures your soul and fulfills your deepest longings.

There are 24 tools and practices included. So this isn’t esoteric teaching–you can take this wisdom and apply in your life in a meaningful way!

Published by Balboa Press, a division of Hay House. Trade paperback 243 pages $17.99 personally signed for you by the author (moi!)

You’ll also receive:

~ Personal Inscription to you from Author- priceless! 😉 And included (you can’t get that on Amazon!)

~ Hand decorated mailing package $5.00 value–included!

~ Shipping and Handling $5.00–included! (US ORDERS ONLY< SORRY. International orders, please inquire)

Total Value: $27.99
YOUR Direct Indie Author PRICE: $17.99*
 **International orders $12 extra–please inquire first)

Readers are saying:

“I have waited lifetimes for the writings in your book. The whole of me is so congruent with each line of text, from the deep knowing of my soul to the questioning of my ego. It’s hard to put down and gives me much to look forward to. Good work! Namaste, sister!”  ~Karri G., Applegate, OR

 I am totally blown away! I literally could not put it down….The Magdalene Path holds crucial pieces to a much bigger picture…“~ Bobbye M., Chicago, IL

Order your author signed copies here today

PS–When you purchase directly from Indie authors like me, you support creativity and entrepreneurship in business. You’ll get connection and care that you won’t from Amazon!

For more info about the book, visit: MagdalenePath.com

MORE PRAISE for The Magdalene Path:

“Brava to Claire Sierra for her brave and honest work on The Magdalene Path. I am proud to call her my sister on the journey!”

~New York Times Bestselling Author, Kathleen McGowan, author of The Expected One, The Book of Love and others

“Claire Sierra has composed a marvelous tapestry of insights, discoveries, tools, and resources for all of us to use in designing a new global culture. The wisdom of the Magdalene gives us all hope for Heaven on Planet Earth.”
~ Rev. Ruth L. Miller, PhD, author of The New Game of Life, Mary’s Power and others


bellamia1I have a great free resource for you (and there’s no upsell to anything else). Maybe you’ve seen, I’ve been invited to write for a gorgeous and inspiring new on-line new women’s magazine, Bella Mia. Have you seen it? It’s free for now, so sign up and get your own copy every 2 months.

Bella Mia magazine’s mission is about empowering women to be in our authentic, expressed and beautiful self–separate from what the dominant culture tells us about how to be.

It’s totally aligned with the Magdalene Path and awakening the power of Feminine Soul. It’s a place to go for information on self-love, body image, or relationship advice and so much more.

At BellaMia, we believe that all women are beautiful – just as we are. And we want to help you realize your own beauty – inside and out.

We’re using #BeautifulMe hashtag to raise awareness and grow a movement. Want to join us?

The latest issue is out. Here’s a peek into my article….

How to Love How You Look (No Matter What)

bellamia2The body and how we look is such a source of conflict for many women. It seems we can’t live with it and we can’t live without it. We are compellingly drawn to beauty: in ourselves, in others, in things, in life.

Sometimes women are scorned as superficial for this pursuit, but I’ve come to recognize this as an intrinsic soul quality of the Feminine, which is why we are so enchanted by it.

Many of us are blind to our own beauty, though. We’ve been conditioned to believe so many things about our own value and worth—many of which are not so great, unfortunately.

We see beauty and we emulate it, trying to capture that ineffable essence. We think if we copy someone, we’ll feel how she looks: joyful, loved, and valued…..(read the rest of the article on page 68 at BellaMiaMag.com here)