I’ve been so excited about a recent experience I had at a Valentine’s Day Pampering Event for women, at HeartSong, a local spiritual bookstore. Twenty-plus women came for an evening of mini-sessions with a variety of healing arts practitioners. I  shared  Bliss Breakthrough Laser Counseling Sessions, because I wanted to guide them to create a breakthrough to their bliss. Ah….

What was truly amazing is the way all the conversations seemed to be in sync, one after another, like one long dialogue, with different bodies in the chair. We truly all ARE One.

And I started to see the beauty of the divergent paths all come together. It was a giant game of Connect The Dots.

The overarching themes (without betraying any confidences here) were over work, overwhelm, fatigue, burnout. Not fully living their bliss.  Meeting others’ needs over our own, with the net result being no time to pursue personal goals, leading to burnout, exhaustion, malaise, loss of hope. A good life, but not a great one. Sound familiar?

Each woman in her own way was requesting a bliss breakthrough to fulfill her unique purpose. Some knew what that was, and were having trouble giving themselves permission (time, talent or treasure) to go for it. Others, were so busy working for others’ creative pursuits that they had no time for their own. And the single moms really got the worst of both ends there, doing double-duty in the world and home.

Something clicked for me in a big way. I see how overstretched we all are. I see how  far we are from our divine nature, our feminine essence with this massive overdrive functioning. We’ve gotten ourselves into a pickle as a result of our success-laden lifestyle, over-functioning as mini-men in feminine form, without even realizing it. Our lives are like an addiction we can’t stop. Bleh!

But even more amazing is how exactly perfect the solution is, waiting inside us, in our Divine Feminine Selves. We each can make this journey and the tools and skills are simple if not always easy.

Its as if we need to return home to ourselves: our own bodies, rhythms, timing and intuition. Start by honoring your instincts and emotions and validate acting on them.

Where do you need a breakthrough? (Feel that in your body more than your mind.)

Why (or where ) are you NOT living your bliss? (Notice the stories do you tell yourself this.)

Where are you living your Bliss? (Take a minute, feel that, describe it to yourself, so you know it when it shows up.) Be more of that. Yes.