Wow, it’s been a wild ride since the middle of the month, huh? Many of us sense that we are really at a tipping point. We just entered a It is becoming more clear where we are in alignment with our soul-selves and our purpose, and where we are not.

And guess what? All the stuff that is challenging right now? Too much on your plate? Not in alignment.  Is your life looking like a bad dream, or someone else’s idea of an ideal life? (Not bad, but not spectacular, either?) I know how that happens!

I’ve been immersed in offering you events and resources to spread the message of The Magdalene Path—things got a bit hectic and full: abundance!  So I’ve taken time out to rest, rejuvenate and reflect on not just what I want to do, but HOW I want to be doing it.

Time for an upgrade and this New Moon is the perfect time. (For more info on this, ) Here’s a quick, easy New Moon intention-setting process, below.

It makes no sense to foster a message about the emerging Feminine Soul to co-create a paradigm shift, by muscling through with my masculine side!

blogjoySure, I want to use those skills, but this path is about developing the capacity to shift and receive, as well as give, give, give.  (Does that sound like a recipe for burnout, overwhelm and/or exhaustion? Yeh!) This is a dance of balance.

Therefore, I’m really diving into how to create monumental shifts in a sustainable way? Because if transformation is not sustainable, its just chaos in motion. We don’t need more of that.

I’m surrounded with blessings and abundance everyday. So why do we believe that “more is better”?  It is the cultural programming we come smack up against, as we attempt a new (Feminine Soul) paradigm.

So, I asked Mary Magdalene, “how do I access (more) joy and bliss, every day?”

And she replied, “Goddess, dear one, you are so close to what you seek, It is (of course) just within. It is found/achieved in the moment-to-moment presence, awareness of Grace—which is always with and around you.

Your Holy Life is here. Now. Not is some near-or-distant, someday moment, when the job is done, the children are raised, after this or that “issue” is handled.  Waiting until later is mortgaging your present for future joy. That someday never comes for something else fills that hole of challenges.

Practice the presence of Joy/Bliss here now. What stones of daily activity cause you to stumble into fear, frustration, anxiety, remorse? Notice them as distractions, correct them as you are able, and return to your true path. Live your bliss. Today. Why wait?”

New 30 Day Feminine Creativity Immersion

blogsalonSo to support the unfolding of all that wants to burst through us–upleveling who you are here to be, and your bliss transformation–I’ve created a new program: 30 day immersion in creativity as a soul path.

How do we optimize our creative practice into a path that can bring our soul-inspired gifts to fruition?

Do you want to manifest the dreams and desires that live inside you?  That’s what this 30 day program is about.  It jumps off the workshop I recently co-facilitated with Jan Phillips and takes it to the next level. Look for more info coming in a few days, but if you’re really curious, details are here…. (

These days around the New Moon its an awesome time to create intentions. The atmosphere is super-charged and we can create alignment with our soul-selves and our purpose.

Take a few minutes, right now, and tune into what your heart-seed intention for this month is. What would feel juicy and delicious to manifest? (Remember, this or something better is a great way to not limit Source in it’s expression through you.) I love to hear your responses: comment at  the blog!
