I wiggle and squirm as I attempt to sit in meditation this morning. Some days it’s easier than others to do my morning practices. Why do I want to open my email more than I want to connect in stillness and silence with the Divine?

Why does it seem so difficult sometimes? I know the inevitable result when I don’t: fear, worry, darkness and confusion about my path, my life—dreary moods.

I settle in and allow myself to being present in my body—my breath slows too. My mind follows. I hear the voice of my higher guidance, “Be still, your Being is your blessing. Not your doing. Enjoy this moment.”

So I do. I bask in the experience of being here, now. I feel my breath in my body, loving my wheezy chest (recovering from a cough) my warm home, my comfy forest green loveseat, the sun streaming in. Gratitude. Loving here now, not some moment to get to.

Seems so easy.

If we’ve created lives of our own design, why do we want to rush to the next task on our seemingly endless to do list? This is the moment we’ve waited for. How do we enjoy it more? Maybe that’s the wrong question.

If you’re living the life you’ve chosen and created, you’ve probably worked hard to get there. You’ve stepped out of the life of default your culture has chosen for you. Do you let yourself enjoy it?

What gets in the way of the pleasure that is already there? Our lives are amazing when we take the blinders off!

If you are NOT living a life of your own dream and design, what is stopping you? What real or imagined ideas/voices/beliefs get in the way?  And how do you work towards it in a way that doesn’t mortgage your present capacity for joy into some future-dream moment. (AKA, “when I get there, I’ll be happy.”)

Who do you share your dreams and longings with? Often friends and family are not the best support. (Sad but true: without meaning to, they have agendas of their own, that often keeps you in the role they know and love.) We need community.

What’s one small step you can take, today, towards something that feels real and meaningful to you, that’s connected to your Feminine Soul?

Start there.

For those of you in Southern Oregon, we’ve got an opportunity getsome support and community around you, to shift and expand your thinking, to activate your muse and rejuvenate your weary soul.

Get your creative sparks ignited in an evening of art and performance: music, poetry, movies and more. Then the next day dive into a day-long workshop designed to cross a threshold into your own deep wisdom. Come to one or both!

Are You Ready for a Quantum Leap?

Unleash your creative energies with bold and rebellious originality Transformation takes place when we harvest our life’s experience and re-shape the story we’ve been telling ourselves.

In this workshop with the amazing Jan Phillips (and me!), you’ll use creativity to access your soul’s calling, create a life rich with meaning and true to your purpose. Leap into the realization of your own divinity.

For more details and registration: www.BlissBreakthrough.com/Jan