Oh, the season turns! It’s still balmy and bright, but we turned a corner into September, so my thoughts turn to Equinox.

I’ve always loved the Equinoxes and what they symbolize. Such a sweet balance of dark and light. We’re still enjoying the outwardness of summer, starting to contemplate in the inward turn of Fall.

As we edge towards Autumn Equinox later this month so much seems to be about abundance and harvest.

The garden of life is in full ripeness now. And let’s face it, it’s a fiery time right now. stormy and complex.

In times like these we need to remember our skills: turn inward to ground ourselves, and to each other, for reminders of Truth.

Sister, where are your strengths?
What practices are serving you?

What habits need to be set aside, to go fallow?

Where do you need support to remember the glorious Truth of who you really are?

Observe what is full, ripe and overflowing?

Where are you experiencing abundance?

Pause in the chaos of it all….Equinox is a great time to see where we are (and are not) manifesting our highest good. Reality is a strong mirror.

There’s a wisdom teaching available at Equinox around balancing masculine and feminine modes. And the often paradoxical dynamics of manifesting in feminine mode. (It’s far different from the struggle and striving of the masculine.)

Honor what you’ve created so far this year. Celebrate the abundance of your manifestation.

Re-calibrate areas that aren’t flowing so wonderfully or that don’t serve your higher calling.

Let’s explore this more together. Join me for Rose Temple at Autumn Equinox.

Gathering together in sisterhood is a huge source of strength, its where our magic shines. See more of the details and links to register.

Join us for an evening of exquisite feminine bliss.