BlissBreak Virtual Retreat (teleconference class) in May was amazing, a great group gathered together in a virtual retreat center (aka their home or office). We discussed signs and symptoms of burnout so you can catch it before it gets out of control.

I also shared 3 tools to re-balance burnout, overwhelm and fatigue. Turns out these are at our ready reach and all we need to do is apply them. Let me fill you in on the basics.

no preview1.      Drink more water. Often the mid-afternoon energy drop and sugar craving is really dehydration – get more H2O and feel refreshed. (I know, not as fun as chocolate or a latte.) Sweets and caffeine only add to the problem and can end in adrenal fatigue. Our amazing bodies run on water and we often need more to get our electrical system (brain, nerves) back on track. Clean tap water is best. A good rule of thumb is to think in terms of ounces that equal half your body weight. Infuse it with prayer or intention for double bonus. (See the work of Dr. Emoto for more about how prayer structurally alters water molecules, its very cool.)

2.      Get more sleep. Rest is not to be underestimated. Lack of sleep causes all manner of issues: mental, physical, emotional, spiritual. Speaking of your electrical system, if you are having trouble sleeping, cools yours off by turning off electronics at least one hour before bed. It will transform your ability to unwind, relax and rejuvenate.

3.      Breathe. Truly our breath is the most amazing tool we have. And it’s always with us – and it’s free! Breathe into your belly, your hips: your deeper, wider center to help you drop out of your head, (which is probably spinning 100mph!)Take more moments (not hours) daily to refresh yourself with Presence or Mindfulness. (More on mindfulness later.)

These are simple…but not always easy. They don’t work if you don’t use them. Depending on your level of fatigue, it may take time to refill your well, so start scooping. You emptied yourself by the teaspoonful and you can refill by the cup with these practices. It can be done, but only if you do it—this can take time!

Be gentle and easy on yourself. The Masculine style of go-go-go is not the sole solution anymore. We’ve taken that as far as it can go. Now its time to shift into our feminine soul and balance both sides of us. It can be a stretch but it juicy, joyful and immensely worth it.