
About magdalenepath

Claire Sierra, MA, LFT, is the author/founder of The Magdalene Path – Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul ©. An Arts Therapist, certified True Purpose™ Coach and Reiki Master, Claire has guided thousands of women who feel lost & confused about their purpose, to connect to their divine guidance for clarity & confidence about their true path. She’s led creative soul-centered workshops, retreats and private sessions for over 2 decades. To support greater re-connection she and her husband recently became proprietors of the Balch Hotel, a boutique destination retreat in the Columbia River Gorge, in Oregon. (visit www.BalchHotel.com) For free resources on your path, go to: www.MagdalenePath.com for sample chapters, meditations, audio interviews and more.

Awakening the Rose Mysteries


Another “edgy admission.” For years I’ve been feeling the weaving of Magdalene and Madonna as paired aspects of a deep esoteric mysteries of the Sacred Feminine.   Just as there were deceits and disinformation about Magdalene, so there is great minimizing and misinformation about the Blessed Mother, Mary. (More on that in another post. 😉)   I’ve been feeling the call of the Rose Mysteries, a mystical path of which little is written. Last night I felt called to do a private ceremony to call in the Queen of Heaven, Mother Mary, to awaken this path directly.   The

Awakening the Rose Mysteries2019-04-09T21:09:32+00:00

Maybe You Forget, Sister. I Do.


“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness, the astonishing light of your own being.” -- Hafiz. This quote pierces my heart, reminding me why I do what I do -- guiding women to empowerment through your Divine Connection, accessing the Priestess within--its so easy to forget! And it's not frivolous or self indulgent, here's why: Creating a real time clear connection with a trusted source of wisdom (divine guide, higher self, Mary, Jesus, who/how ever you want to think of it) makes the complexity and drama of life so much simpler. Such clarity,

Maybe You Forget, Sister. I Do.2019-04-09T21:27:50+00:00

What to Do To Avoid Winter Blues?


Holy, Wholy, Winter Wonderland, Goddess... At the first of February, what seemed like the beginning of spring (AKA Imbolc, as I wrote last time) took a hard u-turn and winter came in full-on. That was a month ago. It’s been snowing steadily since. I thought I’d get sick of it, cabin-fever and all. But actually I’ve relished it. Bright days cross country skiing in the back field helps and the view, OMG. All the plans that poured out of me in September sit on a shelf.It’s very quiet, internal. I have ideas, but nothing compelling is demanding action. I just don’t feel like pushing it. I’m sick

What to Do To Avoid Winter Blues?2019-03-08T22:49:15+00:00

Ready to Meet Your Year?


For many of us the New Year tradition of making new spiffy plans and resolutions often just doesn't work. It's too soon-- we’re not ready yet--in the fallow of winter.   Often times I like to create Vision Map for my year. This January felt far too early. But now that energy shifts, and we start to feel the new year cycle of creativity returning.   Are you noticing this in you?   If you're hungry to see, feel and express the visions that have been germinating in winter’s quiet, I've got an idea to manifest them more easily.

Ready to Meet Your Year?2019-04-09T21:13:35+00:00

Spark Visions of Your Emerging Soul


You might not know we’re at the High Holy Day Imbolc (in the Celtic earth spirit tradition) that’s between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. I'm happy it's here for a few reasons. We’re seeing the lengthen of days, the light is returning. We turn the wheel of the year in 2019. How’s that going for you so far? Often the New Year inspires new intentions and resolutions. But for many of us it’s just too early, we’re not ready yet, still in the fallow time in the dark of winter. Now that shifts, and we start to see like the

Spark Visions of Your Emerging Soul2019-02-06T23:38:15+00:00

Fruitfully Fallow, Go Deep


In the pre-Christian traditions of Europe, this time of year was always honored as the season of harvest and gratitude. In the ancient Celtic calendar,  we first had Samhain (pronounced Saw-when...go figure.) This festival got repurposed as Hallowe'en along with All Souls and All Saints days in the Christian tradition.  It's  time known for the veils to the spirit world being thinnest. (Why else would people dress like ghosts, goblins and witches?) Our desire to meditate and be quiet grows after a long season of summer. Feelings and intuitions rise. After the harvest, the fields are fallow. Not much happening,

Fruitfully Fallow, Go Deep2018-11-20T22:34:45+00:00

Sacred & What??


There's something afoot about Mary Magdalene--she's popping up everywhere lately. Perhaps it's that we sense she's whole and holy. Sexy and spiritual...alive. The hidden being revealed. Just like us. And it’s valuable to talk about her missing herstory: her message that was lost and being reclaimed. There’s a lot there. But if we are not careful it can become overly intellectualized and dogmatic. So not helpful. Her wisdom can be tapped and moved into the body and heart where change is embodied. I find my mind and brain move so much faster than my heart and body. You too? In

Sacred & What??2018-11-01T18:26:16+00:00

Managing the Unmanageable


Oh sister... I awoke this morning thinking of you. I've got a few ideas... Oy, what a hot time we're in. Sure, the world looks the same on the outside, day to day--with birds singing and sun shining--yet after this weekend's vote in US Congress, inside many of us are burning and broiling inside. Women feel dismissed, abused, discarded. (Magdalene qualities, btw.) And DONE with it! Most of us feel like running away from the current white male-dominant, abusive leadership we're witnessing. I can understand why. Others think this is over-reaction, and want the whole thing to blow over and

Managing the Unmanageable2018-10-10T19:58:34+00:00

{Temple Reflections} Unforeseen Gifts


A deep heady scent of Spikenard greeting each woman as she arrived to Temple Sophia. Anointed, one by one, women of various background, age and experience entered the circle. Inhaling deeply, relaxing fully, she found her seat in the garnet room and settled in to the journey. As thirteen of us began, sisters shared what brought them to the circle…. what their intentions for being there were. After all, there are many things begging for attention in our lives these days. And all of these women are teachers, healers and leaders in their own right, so what was calling them

{Temple Reflections} Unforeseen Gifts2018-10-05T19:19:36+00:00

What’s So Dangerous About Mary Magdalene?


I'm just back from pilgrimage to the south of France, activating deeper aspects of The Magdalene Path. It was powerful beyond words. I've been inspired to shift my retreat in November to unveil these deeper mysteries that emerged there.  (If you're curious go HERE. After the death ritual of Yeshua (or Jesus in Greek) that completed the ancient prophesy, Mary Magdalene left Israel for southern France, where I spent 11 days. (you can read more about her journey in The Magdalene Path.) She traveled with the Maries, priestess- healers who shared her mission:  teaching The Way of Love that began

What’s So Dangerous About Mary Magdalene?2018-10-04T17:52:01+00:00
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