
About magdalenepath

Claire Sierra, MA, LFT, is the author/founder of The Magdalene Path – Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul ©. An Arts Therapist, certified True Purpose™ Coach and Reiki Master, Claire has guided thousands of women who feel lost & confused about their purpose, to connect to their divine guidance for clarity & confidence about their true path. She’s led creative soul-centered workshops, retreats and private sessions for over 2 decades. To support greater re-connection she and her husband recently became proprietors of the Balch Hotel, a boutique destination retreat in the Columbia River Gorge, in Oregon. (visit www.BalchHotel.com) For free resources on your path, go to: www.MagdalenePath.com for sample chapters, meditations, audio interviews and more.

Are You Ready to Embody Your Feminine Soul?


My deepest desire is for you to feel the divine flowing to and through you, creating a life of ease, grace and flow. It's your birthright. I long for you and your daughters, nieces and neighbor-girls to feel your innate divinity through your own awake, aligned connection to the Source (Spirit, God, Goddess, whatever you want to call it). Open the lines of connection with your Divine guidance from your highest & deepest feminine soul. And living from that place, everyday. Ready for a Deeper Soul Connection? There’s a stream of wisdom that’s connected to Divine and embodied and in the

Are You Ready to Embody Your Feminine Soul?2019-08-30T18:15:56+00:00

{Temple Replay} Gather Under the Full Moon


I had a "be brave moment" yesterday. I offered a Women's Temple on-line, using Facebook LIVE. Yikes! Did you catch it? Life isn't always neat and tidy, and this week has felt like a wild ride. The Full Moon woke me at 4 am. So potent and beautiful! So doing this didn't make logical sense, but I felt I HAD TO. You have those moments of inspired action, too, don't you? Since it's my second Facebook Live it's far from perfect. Grab a cuppa tea or wine and watch your free on-line women’s temple. It's pinned on The Magdalene

{Temple Replay} Gather Under the Full Moon2020-01-23T20:32:25+00:00

What Is The Divine Feminine, And Why Is It Important?


Lately I’m so aware that globally (and even in this fine land) most women still don’t feel safe and sacred in daily life. Things are better in the western world—if you’re a white woman—but for others here and around the planet, the state of being female is abysmal. In some lands, it's close to slavery. You think I exaggerate? Imagine spending 7 to 18 hours a day (!!) on life activities like gathering water and wood for cooking over fire, then cleaning up without running water. Exhausting! Imagine needing your husband’s (or father’s) permission to go outside or talk to another

What Is The Divine Feminine, And Why Is It Important?2019-08-30T18:01:18+00:00

Why Magdalene Matters After All These Years


Old Stories, Reclaimed Truth: Awakening Feminine Soul Power As the sun sets on Mary Magdalene's Feast Day, I’ve been musing all day on her power and how her story shapes us via culture. Regardless of your spiritual tradition, her story impacts women: our spirituality, sexuality, empowerment and leadership. Even if this not your tradition, here’s something to consider. Sometimes (dare I say, often) women are portrayed in history in a way that isn't true. Over time, the mis-truths get embedded as Truth in the minds of millions. With Mary Magdalene the lies have lasted over 1500 years! How and why

Why Magdalene Matters After All These Years2019-08-30T17:52:08+00:00

Drop Deeper into Summer Soul Surrender


Oh, sweet summertime bliss! The garden of our life is coming into full ripeness now. As we edge towards Summer Solstice later this month everything seems to be in bloom, in and around us. Midsummer is a great time to pause in the busyness of it all and observe.... What is full, ripe and overflowing? Where are you experiencing abundance? Sister, Summer is meant to be a season of celebration and rejoicing. If you find yourself too busy to give yourself this, relax. It's easier together. Gathering in sisterhood is a huge source of strength, it's where our magic

Drop Deeper into Summer Soul Surrender2019-08-30T17:51:27+00:00

Tips: Soul Blooming & Manifestation in Summertime


Oh, sweet summertime is upon us, sister! As I sit on my deck to write you, the heady scent of blossoms fill the air, a warm breeze glances by, a cacophony of birdsong greets me. Bright toes in sandals, jumping in a cool creek, chilled fruity cocktails with dinner cooked outdoors in the waning evening sunshine… what’s not to love? (cottonwood fluff and 90+ days, aside…) I’ve always loved summer...and my birthday in June adds to the delight. But it's hard to believe we’re almost halfway through this year…how did that happen!? As we edge towards Summer Solstice later this

Tips: Soul Blooming & Manifestation in Summertime2019-08-30T17:38:09+00:00

Reflections on Rose Temple


I always mean to take pics. Maybe with your inner eyes you can see: The altar is lovely, with flowers, stones and ephemera from sisters offering. A lovely new altar cloth initiated into use. Candles lit, waning sun streaming into our ruby library at the Balch Hotel. The heady scents of Rose and Spikenard oils. Eleven women entering the mystery, anointed at the goddess gateway, in various shades and degrees of goddess wear. The bashful and bold. A circle of sisters deep and engaged, hungry for a sense of the sacred, sharing connection, together. A mix of ages and backgrounds,

Reflections on Rose Temple2019-05-09T20:32:04+00:00

Message & Meaning of Notre Dame Fire


In my last article I promised to share a Divine Download I received after the great Notre Dame de Paris fire tragedy. As a sacred place consecrated to Our Lady, the connection to Mary and Magdalene is palpable. I grieved at the loss of this great temple to the Divine Feminine. Yet I reminded myself, it was NOT that, it's bound by the patriarchal church authority. Both/and. As I wrote previously, Notre Dame was built on an ancient goddess site--as many cathedrals and holy places are. Most assume “Our Lady” to be the Blessed Mother Mary, but in fact,

Message & Meaning of Notre Dame Fire2019-05-01T21:08:47+00:00

Notre Dame Burns: Symbolism & Next Step


My heart ached all day. I felt a visceral pain in the center of my being after hearing that Notre Dame de Paris had burned. Such a powerful, potent place, such depth and presence of the sacred feminine infused in the walls, window, & statues there. My first thought: how does a stone building burn? And then, what is the symbology of the collapsed roof and steeple—the most masculine aspects of the structure—mean? Day 2: Gratitude. I awoke feeling incredibly blessed to have visited and experienced what I did, when so many have not. And have been musing about

Notre Dame Burns: Symbolism & Next Step2019-05-01T21:17:23+00:00

Sisterhood Supper Changes


Sister, Some times things are moving so fast, I’m not sure what I’ve shared. But these changes I want you to know about. Sisterhood Supper was created as a space for open ended dialogue and connection among women. A chance to meet other women in our community, from near and far. It’s been great fun, for the most part. But truthfully, sometimes it’s missed the mark for me. Other times it’s so rich and soul nourishing--the women who come get great value. I’ve been wondering how to amplify that. I’ve been feeling that Sisterhood Supper needs a re-boot. A more

Sisterhood Supper Changes2019-05-01T21:18:16+00:00
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