About magdalenepath

Claire Sierra, MA, LFT, is the author/founder of The Magdalene Path – Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul ©. An Arts Therapist, certified True Purpose™ Coach and Reiki Master, Claire has guided thousands of women who feel lost & confused about their purpose, to connect to their divine guidance for clarity & confidence about their true path. She’s led creative soul-centered workshops, retreats and private sessions for over 2 decades. To support greater re-connection she and her husband recently became proprietors of the Balch Hotel, a boutique destination retreat in the Columbia River Gorge, in Oregon. (visit www.BalchHotel.com) For free resources on your path, go to: www.MagdalenePath.com for sample chapters, meditations, audio interviews and more.

Ancient Goddess Tale Revealed & Rising


This time of year I'm always drawn to Guadalupe--the Goddess of the Americas, in disguise (barely!)--Her holy day in the Catholic church is soon. But it's taken me a while to figure out why. Do you know Her story? It's a good one! (And most of the best parts get left out!) Here's the super short version: Juan Diego, a native man, was on his way to town when a woman appeared bathed in light. It was a hard time, his culture was under siege. The Spanish had come and were wreaking havoc everywhere. He was not looking to see

Ancient Goddess Tale Revealed & Rising2021-12-07T23:11:55+00:00

Deepen Your Spiritual Practice: Rosary Beads


If you've been around for even a little bit, you know how profoundly the Rosary practice entered my life and work this year...I've been passionate about sharing it with you. As I've deepened into the Magdalene Rosary, I've longed to have tools to bring this spiritual practice seamlessly into our lives. I've been finding the natural depth and rhythm of the prayer is enhanced by fingering the beads. The tactile embodied experience is luscious and stilling. I love gemstones, crystals, and sacred oils. (What's not to love?) and I love bracelets. So I've created 2 styles of Wrist Rosaries

Deepen Your Spiritual Practice: Rosary Beads2021-12-07T23:15:13+00:00

What Mainstream Culture Isn’t Saying About This Time


We seem to be in a time where the old ways don't work, as they have in the past. Planning, plotting, time and scheduling seems particularly amiss. While the old methods won't work, the new way is not fully on-line yet. But like all transitions, it's not always smooth or easy-peasy. There are gaps and glitches. Frustrations that what we're used to doing, no longer does. (Sometimes its not available--completely absent--other times, the old tools are visible, but not functional as they once were.) Either way, massive challenges and heart ache result. These are rough, untended initiations. Looking outside, we

What Mainstream Culture Isn’t Saying About This Time2021-04-22T22:02:31+00:00

Are You Teetering In and Out of Balance?


We’re at the turn of the wheel, goddess. Signs of spring, like daffodils and tulips blooming and Equinox this weekend. Oh, and the 1 year anniversary of the shutdown of the pandemic. Yeah, that. While most people acknowledge the upside of all that’s happened, I'm noticing so many lately feeling vaguely (or wildly) out of sorts. There’s a stirring sense of unease. You might be feeling a sense of exhaustion that’s not quite mental, physical “issues” more present, maybe a sense of malaise, dread, despair, or loneliness. That sense that “something’s not quite right” but what? We’ve all been

Are You Teetering In and Out of Balance?2021-04-22T22:11:51+00:00

Listening to Feminine Soul Even When…


How are you with changing habits and patterns, beloved? It's a hallmark of way makers, change catalysts, entrepreneurs and new paradigm lovers. Moving in the mystery, flowing with inspiration, pausing when it's quiet. For me its about backing off the masculine success patterns I've been so good at (yet don't always serve me) to follow the flow of divine feminine inspiration & grace to beget action. It's a dance: the balance of masculine do and feminine be/receive. (interested in this topic? There's more here.) To truly live, love and lead in a Feminine Soul centered business (and life), it's all

Listening to Feminine Soul Even When…2021-04-22T22:08:05+00:00

Nourishment In A Hard Time: A Pause


How did we go from Happy New Year to terrorist uprising/white privilege temper tantrum at the US Capitol... all in a week? The toxic masculine is hanging on to the patriarchal systems we’ve seen for years. Do you feel battered or overwhelmed by Current Events? Resilience is needed! And a wee timing adjustment, flowing & adapting to this moment. (Read on below.) If you’re feeling wobbly with political unrest unfolding in the US, on top of unrelenting embittered pandemic news.... I hear you. It's intense if you "go there." We know we are in a sea change, but we are

Nourishment In A Hard Time: A Pause2021-04-22T22:17:32+00:00

Tips for Gentle Launch Into New Year


It's hard to believe 2020 is over and we're in a New Year. I hope the holidays were delicious and replenishing--even if unlike any others. While I took a good space of downtime, I also delivered 5 Praying the Mystical Rosary virtual experiences that sisters raved about. (So gratifying!) Notes like these warm my heart! "What you're offering here is so sacred, so holy, it goes beyond our notion of schedules and clock time. It's very moving--I was in tears at times. ...To have permission to re-imagine the way we do things. How radically empowering.” - CH "Love the

Tips for Gentle Launch Into New Year2021-01-06T21:09:53+00:00

Divine Feminine Mysteries at the Solstice (&Beyond!)


This is such a powerful time! There's no denying that, with this unrelenting pandemic, eco-tragedies, political drama, and social unrest. It seems we are being stripped of who and what we thought we were and finding the gold within. Not always easy, and a sometime painful process, no? This month has so many energy blessings embedded within, it may just be the silver lining we've been waiting for. I'm seeing some great opportunities for amplifying your soul light, if you know when and where to activate your magic. With some ways to deepen. Following Divine Feminine guidance and the

Divine Feminine Mysteries at the Solstice (&Beyond!)2021-01-06T21:25:25+00:00

The Invitation: Go Deeper


I don't usually write on the weekends but I woke up with morning inspired about something that's near to my heart. For weeks I've felt called to share with you something that's rocked my world. I'll admit, the process of getting to this moment has been slippery with change. If you've found this year to be a roller coaster or emotions, you're not alone. Maybe you've even plummeted into a dark night of the soul. Maybe you've soared and thrived. Or, a little of both. The way I see it, when life gets so over the top, (like it

The Invitation: Go Deeper2021-01-06T21:23:44+00:00

Where is Your Attention?


Sweetheart, we're living in a difficult moment. (You've noticed?) {eyeroll} In times like these, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, off-kilter and distracted. Right now, we're doing all we can some days just to stay afloat emotionally. (Right?) In the face of all this, our personal passions, dreams and goals can seem trivial--and hard to access. Those creative projects, dreams and sparks of inspiration that we thought we’d have loads of time for (maybe at lovely writing retreat getaways)...are getting sidelined. Do you have a book or other creative project that you can't seem to find the time/space to get

Where is Your Attention?2020-10-15T01:00:35+00:00
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