Activate Your Solstice Magic


Hard to believe that we celebrated Summer Solstice, last week. As nature comes into full bloom, blazing with vitality, the light of Solstice reminds us of what's possible within us and the abundance that surrounds us. But here’s the thing, sister. Solstice isn't a DAY, it's a season--like Easter or Christmas. It reminds us to reconnect with our wild nature, bask in the summer sun and feel the earth beneath our feet. Solstice invites us to connect with the Earth as Divine, awakening ancient pulses from priestess temples in our modern-day lives. Do you feel the call to activate your

Activate Your Solstice Magic2023-06-28T23:35:01+00:00

Embracing the Radiance: Summer Solstice


  As the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, we celebrate Summer Solstice. This magical marker of the longest day this year and the official arrival of Summer--in the Northern Hemisphere. (That’s funny as it’s been so cool, I’m in a wooly sweater.) Nature comes into full bloom, buzzing with vitality. Solstice reminds us of the potentiality that lies before us, and the abundance that surrounds us. Summer Solstice beckons us to immerse ourselves in the Earth as Divine. It awakens in us ancient pulses from priestess temples for our modern-day lives. It’s time to reconnect with our

Embracing the Radiance: Summer Solstice2023-06-28T23:48:15+00:00

Insider Update: Shadow Dancing To A New Way


I haven’t beamed in here much lately and I feel a twinge of remorse. But here's why: I’ve been in a deep soul clearing. a shadow sabbatical of sorts. After a long Winter (skipping Spring) Summer is here and I thought it would be useful to share with you a bit of what's been going on behind the scenes. It’s been a long, quiet, dark season for me. But now, the stars and the energy is shifting. Change is in the air. I was invited into a new way of Being this year. While it was willing, it wasn't chosen.

Insider Update: Shadow Dancing To A New Way2023-06-29T20:32:19+00:00

Equinox Download: From Balance To Wholeness


It’s been a long time since I've written and you’ve been in my heart. Many big things have been moving behind the scenes. It’s been a tumultuous time, as I’ve been unraveling old ways of operating that are expired now and no longer useful. Not to say that’s easy, as the old to new transition is not firm in footing. So it’s been a wobbly time. Deep underground gestating the new. But now I feel firmly through to the other side, which brings me here to you. **I’ve also been creating a new community space for us to gather in—online—and

Equinox Download: From Balance To Wholeness2023-03-27T23:24:36+00:00

The Struggle In So Many Hearts Right Now


During my retreat, I discovered that many of us are feeling off, adrift, & discontented in the world. (It wasn’t just me!?) We’re in a real moment. Many are struggling to find what or who we want to be now, after the disruption and chaos of the pandemic, in the midst of various global political and climate crisis. It’s a period of disruption as we see so many systems start to deconstruct. It’s no surprise yet its easy to forget, too. It’s human nature to want to cling to or try to duct tape those structures back together. Even though

The Struggle In So Many Hearts Right Now2022-10-03T20:58:10+00:00

What I Discovered on Retreat Surprised Me


When I conjured the idea of time away, I thought of pilgrimage. Time to rest and replenish. I had things in my heart and soul that needed sorting, for a long time. Europe was not my destination. What far flung mystical locales were within driving distance? A list was started. Then abandoned. I did what was easy. Not exotic. Just soul satisfying--I hoped. I cried leaving, yet I knew I needed to do it. I was nervous about traveling alone. (Most good/real adventures require courage. Writing and publishing The Magdalene Path sure did!) I made a loose plan: beautiful places,

What I Discovered on Retreat Surprised Me2022-09-29T19:55:18+00:00

How I Re-Discovered My Soul Inspired Life


I just finished a month long sojourn: a sacred pause, retreat, or odyssey. “What?” you might ask, “How can you leave for so long?” Well, it’s been necessary. Like many in this post-pandemic world, I’ve had life situations that I needed to get clarity and new perspective on. Vague discontent, malaise, exhaustion. Maybe you can relate. It’s a huge gift to take this time away. Here’s the secret of all pilgrimages and sabbaticals: it’s not all glamour. It’s been glorious…and, hard. Sure, you might visit glorious sites, with awesome Insta-worthy experiences, but these journeys of soul are initiations, with portals to

How I Re-Discovered My Soul Inspired Life2022-09-15T20:58:21+00:00

Something Potent Happening This Month


#MagdaleneMemo: I got a big download with an exciting/scary idea. (Most of the good ones are, aren't they?)   Each year, on the 22nd of July, Mary Magdalene’s life is celebrated. The Catholic Church refers to this as her Feast Day, but that may not have meaning for you or I. Think of it as a holy day.   What is important is that 6 years ago Mary Magdalene's honor was officially restored by the same political/religious institution that claimed her a fallen prostitute for over 1,400 years.   In 2016 Pope Francis corrected this grotesque mistake and instead crowned

Something Potent Happening This Month2022-07-15T20:57:07+00:00

Finding a New Way


It's been a struggle lately. Moments of beauty, joy and gratitude flanked by bad news, roiling emotions, & worrisome thoughts. How do we bear it? There are no platitudes, no spiritual bypass to endure this stretch, this ache in the heart of humanity. So much feels so old, decaying,  with expired use-by dates. As this old paradigm is dying, out dated parts of our lives are coming back for review and reclamation. Hard stuff. Even though we want the better version our lives, change is challenging. And the Dalai Lama famously quoted, "The world will be saved by western women." 

Finding a New Way2022-07-15T21:09:53+00:00

Recapture Your Alignment with Source


Breathing in, at the end of my meditation and prayer practice, I ground and connect. Returning to my center and spiritual practices, to recapture my own divine alignment. The craziness of the world “out there” only mirrors the confusion and chaos in the collective, that’s being felt, and has been for a long time. But we don’t have to step into that. We can recapture our Divine Alignment and live harmony. Once again, this is a shift from the toxicity of the masculine gone awry, entering a deeply feminine state of grace. How do we do this? Slow the F*

Recapture Your Alignment with Source2022-04-18T21:47:18+00:00
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