
Equinox Download: From Balance To Wholeness


It’s been a long time since I've written and you’ve been in my heart. Many big things have been moving behind the scenes. It’s been a tumultuous time, as I’ve been unraveling old ways of operating that are expired now and no longer useful. Not to say that’s easy, as the old to new transition is not firm in footing. So it’s been a wobbly time. Deep underground gestating the new. But now I feel firmly through to the other side, which brings me here to you. **I’ve also been creating a new community space for us to gather in—online—and

Equinox Download: From Balance To Wholeness2023-03-27T23:24:36+00:00

Are You Measuring Your Work With The Wrong Yardstick?


“This is a ministry not a business.” I heard these words clearly from Mary Magdalene one morning, as I was coming out of meditation and prayer. Let me share the context for this inspiration. As an author, art therapist and spiritual coach I’ve finally begun seeing a sustainable way to supporting women in empowered living through embodiment of the Sacred Feminine through my book, The Magdalene Path. It’s taken 8 years and a lot of investment and wrong turns to find an aligned path. But dismantling internalized patriarchal programming takes a while (even for me) and I had a recent

Are You Measuring Your Work With The Wrong Yardstick?2022-11-08T19:10:20+00:00

A Missing Link Is Re-Awakening Now


A reader commented on an article on this blog last week, and upon review it seems relevant. So I freshened it up a bit, to share with you. It's timely because we're all going through various waves of emotion as our world is so deeply unsettled. So much loss, uncertainty, unclarity, lack of real direction... Not knowing what's next can really eat at our core sense of Self stability. Unless we find a deeper source to align with. We find it together. In community. With other who reflect the Truth we know inside (when we forget.) Sisters. We find

A Missing Link Is Re-Awakening Now2020-08-11T20:01:08+00:00

Creating The New Earth Your Soul Envisions


I'm not alone in saying this is a unique time. Despite the dominant culture's thrum of "going back to normal," I've never seen that as a viable option. I began seeing this as The Great Reset, a time of immense potential for us to create the world we've yearned for. (I bet you feel this way too.) Cultural calamity was not a surprise--many have prophesied this awakening for 30 years. (Not that I ever expected a pandemic!!) This is humanity's chance for Big Change--to finally remember what we truly are and come into balance with the natural world, and

Creating The New Earth Your Soul Envisions2020-06-30T20:52:36+00:00

A New Way To Pray: Magdalene Rosary


I wanted to let you in on something I've been tinkering with for a while. It's edgy for me to share, but I think you might be interested. It's something very old, with a new twist, that's really relevant now as we return to our deep selves in the midst of global quarantine. You likely know that for years I’ve walked a priestess path, devoted to Mary Magdalene, the awakening of the Divine Feminine and the Sisterhood of the Rose. I'm all about experiential, direct-access spirituality--what some might call gnostic christianity or alternative orthodoxy -- highlighting personal experience of

A New Way To Pray: Magdalene Rosary2020-05-05T18:35:44+00:00

Finding a Path from Confusion to Clarity


It’s a new year and things are changing. While some spent oodles of time reviewing and releasing the past year, then creating intentions and goals for the new, not everyone functions that way. In fact, it’s a very masculine approach. Don’t let yourself get defined by that external structure. No self-flagellating if it’s not in your flow. There are other paths to clarity. Many women I talk to lately seem to be on BIG clarity projects of another kind: paper de-cluttering, closet re-configuring, basement overhauling. I get it, I just reworked my office/art studio

Finding a Path from Confusion to Clarity2020-01-23T21:38:49+00:00

Guadalupe as Goddess: Hiding in Plain Sight


One thing I know, is that history is written by the winners.*  And as I’ve studied religion (which is highly political), especially. And yet we each have the capacity to touch the deeper Truths, through our heart and soul. It’s imperative, to find our own way, apart from the maddening crowd. The practices I use guided me to write The Magdalene Path—and to make daily decisions about my work and life. (I honestly don’t know how people function without this guidance, it brings such clarity and solace. ) I’ve long had a deep affection for Our Lady Guadalupe, “the

Guadalupe as Goddess: Hiding in Plain Sight2020-01-23T20:42:34+00:00

Why Magdalene Matters After All These Years


Old Stories, Reclaimed Truth: Awakening Feminine Soul Power As the sun sets on Mary Magdalene's Feast Day, I’ve been musing all day on her power and how her story shapes us via culture. Regardless of your spiritual tradition, her story impacts women: our spirituality, sexuality, empowerment and leadership. Even if this not your tradition, here’s something to consider. Sometimes (dare I say, often) women are portrayed in history in a way that isn't true. Over time, the mis-truths get embedded as Truth in the minds of millions. With Mary Magdalene the lies have lasted over 1500 years! How and why

Why Magdalene Matters After All These Years2019-08-30T17:52:08+00:00

Message & Meaning of Notre Dame Fire


In my last article I promised to share a Divine Download I received after the great Notre Dame de Paris fire tragedy. As a sacred place consecrated to Our Lady, the connection to Mary and Magdalene is palpable. I grieved at the loss of this great temple to the Divine Feminine. Yet I reminded myself, it was NOT that, it's bound by the patriarchal church authority. Both/and. As I wrote previously, Notre Dame was built on an ancient goddess site--as many cathedrals and holy places are. Most assume “Our Lady” to be the Blessed Mother Mary, but in fact,

Message & Meaning of Notre Dame Fire2019-05-01T21:08:47+00:00

A New Archetype Arises


I’m aware of the themes of Priestessing and Sisterhood showing up lately. And I'm exploring what it means in this post-modern age of secularism and strained Christianity. The role of the priestess: it's really a missing link in religious/spiritual life--isn't it? I wondered, “What exactly is Priestessing, and what am I inviting women into?” My practice is to take these questions into meditation, for reflection with Divine guidance. I felt her presence and heard this sweet reply from Mary Magdalene. “A space and sense of the sacred, in themselves and in sisterhood circles with other women. You are awakening

A New Archetype Arises2020-07-30T19:35:29+00:00
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