
A Honest Moment


A few months ago I gathered a circle of women in my local area who were hungry for more meaning, connection, creativity and sacred space at SisterSoul Salon. (I offered this only to those of you on my local list, so if you didn't see this, that's why.) it was a big hit--lI even added a second gathering to accommodate everyone.The  ladies loved it, It was clear that they wanted more: they told me so!  But I wasn't ready to hear it. (I had a new juicy program to offer and I was excited about it.) I was so intent

A Honest Moment2014-09-24T06:59:12+00:00

Taking the Medicine Again


Here we are, Independence Day--beyond hot dogs, flags and fireworks, what is it really? It’s that day in the US when we celebrate our separation from an archaic, monarchic system and started to create something new, different, egalitarian and self-governed. A more expansive way to lead a nation. Regardless of our opinion of it now, we can step back and see what a cool and courageous experiment this really was. How do we take this leading edge impulse for freedom and creative leadership into our lives now? Maybe because it’s summer, I’m noticing many are feeling this call for freedom,

Taking the Medicine Again2014-07-01T08:36:32+00:00

Great Loss? Or Gain?


As we sit at the Summer Solstice I'm feeling blessed, after co-leading a delicious ritual workshop, so I wanted to share some Soul food from The Magdalene Path that might be relevant for you right now. I've got a super special announcement--look for that in a day or two. Until then, here's an excerpt from Chapter 3, The Path of The Divine Feminine, and a Practice to take it into your life. Great Loss Mary Magdalene says, "With the loss of the Divine Feminine, the Divine Masculine lost his partner/consort. He lost his balance and his Self in the Divine deism

Great Loss? Or Gain?2014-06-20T11:53:39+00:00

This Might Be You? (or Someone You Know?)


I Don't Usually Talk About This, But.... Wow, last week brought synchronicity with several of completions that made me realize something. I’m pretty awed by what I heard, which inspired me to share. These women are awesome, and yet what they were struggling with was anything but. And they are not alone. I've been there, maybe you or someone you know has too. As we paused at the end of her coaching series, one client who just left a 30 year relationship shared this: “I felt like a child in my newly single life. I was lost, confused, afraid and

This Might Be You? (or Someone You Know?)2014-06-08T20:35:18+00:00

Creativity Immersion Activates YOU


Divine You~ Things seems to be moving at a record pace. the Big Shift is underway. Again. So I want to make sure you saw this as the window of opportunity is closing. Are you feeling the urge of your dreams and callings? Wanting to right what feels amiss? Life is moving in fits and stops. Release whatever is not working, no longer serving you--even if it is something good that’s been a precious idea. Trust that there is something new and better waiting to be born through you. Allow a new vision to bloom, like life all around you.

Creativity Immersion Activates YOU2014-05-15T12:01:36+00:00

Close the Gap between where you are and who you want to be


Ah…. May Day, Cinco de Mayo and the energy of Beltane—the Rites of Spring are upon us The potent energies of the celestial realm are less intense, (with Grand Cross, eclipses and New Moon just passed), but we are still feeling the effects. And we will for some time, as the Big Shift is underway. Are you feeling the urge of your dreams and callings? Wanting to right what feels amiss? Life is moving in fits and stops. Release whatever is not working, no longer serving you--even if it is something good that’s been a precious idea. Trust that there

Close the Gap between where you are and who you want to be2014-05-05T12:12:19+00:00

Mortgaging Your Present for Future Joy?


Wow, it’s been a wild ride since the middle of the month, huh? Many of us sense that we are really at a tipping point. We just entered a New Moon. It is becoming more clear where we are in alignment with our soul-selves and our purpose, and where we are not. And guess what? All the stuff that is challenging right now? Too much on your plate? Not in alignment.  Is your life looking like a bad dream, or someone else’s idea of an ideal life? (Not bad, but not spectacular, either?) I know how that happens! I’ve been

Mortgaging Your Present for Future Joy?2014-04-01T11:57:14+00:00

Art As A Spiritual Practice in Grants Pass!


Hello Lovelies~ Since you're in Oregon, we’ve got an opportunity to shift and expand your creative thinking, to activate your muse and rejuvenate your weary soul. Get your creative sparks ignited in an evening of art and performance: music, poetry, movies and more. Then the next day dive into a day-long workshop designed to cross a threshold into your own deep wisdom. Come to one or both! Friday, March 14,  6:30-9 pm PT The Word, The Image, The Story--Evening of Art/Performance with Jan Phillips and Claire Sierra An evening immersion in creativity -- a book signing with film, art, photography,

Art As A Spiritual Practice in Grants Pass!2014-02-27T12:45:03+00:00

The Practice: Rev-Up Your Holy Desire–an excerpt from The Magdalene Path


As we swing into winter and our annual time of reflection and review, (see above!) it's easy to take stock of what we've created, making lists and stacking up accomplishments and accolades. And that's helpful. But sometimes we lose track of what we truly yearn for along the way. This process, from chapter 6 of The Magdalene Path, has been moving in me lately, so I share it with you. It's not your typical "end of year review" process, but a different take on "planning", by looking into what's calling to you from your future. Let me know how it

The Practice: Rev-Up Your Holy Desire–an excerpt from The Magdalene Path2013-12-06T19:41:41+00:00

The Magdalene Path Is Ready for You!


I've been asked if The Magdalene Path is available...YES! The book is for sale on Balboa Press & Amazon!! In The Magdalene Path -- Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul,  Claire Sierra shares her inspiring spiritual connection with Mary Magdalene -- a luminous and controversial feminine icon who empowers contemporary women to awaken their true divinity and feminine power. The Magdalene Path is a guidebook of compelling insights and practices to bring the Divine Feminine into your daily life. To learn more about the book, go here. Book Launch (Holiday) Special: This is a book for sharing. And great

The Magdalene Path Is Ready for You!2013-12-06T19:24:28+00:00
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