
Find Sanctuary To Replenish & Restore Yourself


Right now, we're all coping with so much, sweetheart. I know. We're all experiencing the same world events, but it hits each of us so differently. Plus we all have our own private challenges, that aren't part of the collective experience. And while the changes that are happening are good in the long run, they're not easy to navigate. All levels of our beings are impacted. Even though it's good that we're not "going back to normal" (which clearly didn't work in a lot of ways) it's a lot to wade through and adjust to. Shifting from unconscious privilege

Find Sanctuary To Replenish & Restore Yourself2020-06-30T21:19:11+00:00

Alignment, Embodiment & Soul Clarity


Beloved... Checking in on you. How's the year so far? Swirling ebbs of clarity and question marks? In my world, life has been shifting swiftly--not in a bad way--dropping into deeper layers of Soul Clarity with new realities emerging. Just as I make one discovery something else pops in, causing me to reconsider and change--even something I JUST told you about. (Oy!) (Details below.) That seems so like 2020. We're really being called to flex and flow, which is the essence of our Feminine mode. We are really being asked step in to our truth and walk the talk.

Alignment, Embodiment & Soul Clarity2020-02-06T22:47:57+00:00

{Temple Replay} Solstice Deepening


We're heading into the luscious dark quiet of the year. I wanted to drop in before we go deep into the blur of Christmas and New Year holidays to send love and a gift. Solstice is here and always so luscious for me. Always a deep time of review and reflection, completing this year and receiving the next. A pause. But for some it's full frenzy. I hope that's not you, but if it is...Take this time for you. You're worth it. To start the deepening process, we gathered for a virtual retreat on Facebook, Tuesday--a virtual Rose Temple

{Temple Replay} Solstice Deepening2020-01-23T21:03:32+00:00

Falling Out of Summer


Wow, Autumn Equinox was big. The season really shifted here in the Pacific Northwest-- a real reminder of the turn inward we are meant to take now. I'm still digging out from that New Super Moon. Did it rock your world like mine? So many of the patterns that have been challenging in the past--things we thought were done--seem to be back and highlighted. Oh goody. I took a sabbatical and made a nest in my bedroom so that I could rest, reflect and re-balance. I’ve been using my tools and support to lean into the places that seems

Falling Out of Summer2020-01-23T20:20:31+00:00

{Temple Replay} Gather Under the Full Moon


I had a "be brave moment" yesterday. I offered a Women's Temple on-line, using Facebook LIVE. Yikes! Did you catch it? Life isn't always neat and tidy, and this week has felt like a wild ride. The Full Moon woke me at 4 am. So potent and beautiful! So doing this didn't make logical sense, but I felt I HAD TO. You have those moments of inspired action, too, don't you? Since it's my second Facebook Live it's far from perfect. Grab a cuppa tea or wine and watch your free on-line women’s temple. It's pinned on The Magdalene

{Temple Replay} Gather Under the Full Moon2020-01-23T20:32:25+00:00

Tips: Soul Blooming & Manifestation in Summertime


Oh, sweet summertime is upon us, sister! As I sit on my deck to write you, the heady scent of blossoms fill the air, a warm breeze glances by, a cacophony of birdsong greets me. Bright toes in sandals, jumping in a cool creek, chilled fruity cocktails with dinner cooked outdoors in the waning evening sunshine… what’s not to love? (cottonwood fluff and 90+ days, aside…) I’ve always loved summer...and my birthday in June adds to the delight. But it's hard to believe we’re almost halfway through this year…how did that happen!? As we edge towards Summer Solstice later this

Tips: Soul Blooming & Manifestation in Summertime2019-08-30T17:38:09+00:00

Ready to Meet Your Year?


For many of us the New Year tradition of making new spiffy plans and resolutions often just doesn't work. It's too soon-- we’re not ready yet--in the fallow of winter.   Often times I like to create Vision Map for my year. This January felt far too early. But now that energy shifts, and we start to feel the new year cycle of creativity returning.   Are you noticing this in you?   If you're hungry to see, feel and express the visions that have been germinating in winter’s quiet, I've got an idea to manifest them more easily.

Ready to Meet Your Year?2019-04-09T21:13:35+00:00

Fruitfully Fallow, Go Deep


In the pre-Christian traditions of Europe, this time of year was always honored as the season of harvest and gratitude. In the ancient Celtic calendar,  we first had Samhain (pronounced Saw-when...go figure.) This festival got repurposed as Hallowe'en along with All Souls and All Saints days in the Christian tradition.  It's  time known for the veils to the spirit world being thinnest. (Why else would people dress like ghosts, goblins and witches?) Our desire to meditate and be quiet grows after a long season of summer. Feelings and intuitions rise. After the harvest, the fields are fallow. Not much happening,

Fruitfully Fallow, Go Deep2018-11-20T22:34:45+00:00

Beauty & Grace of Loss


Goddess, Last article I shared about harnessing the energy that's present now to rebalance inside and out with the forces of Equinox. It's still relevant with the energy of Easter. And with May Day (Beltane, Mary Day...) just ahead. Spring is really here, so in our recent Temple Sophia gathering last week, 20 women (yes!!) sat in our red tent circle. We explored new life bursting forth, and shared the beginnings of something new emerging in their lives. I had a profound sense of arriving on a long path to share this moment together. I felt confirmation on so many

Beauty & Grace of Loss2018-04-16T20:36:45+00:00

{Simple Practice} Ways to Review, Reflect, Refresh


We’re in the gap: Solstice and Christmas are past; a New Year is shining right ahead of us.  Start it in an empowering way. Choose rituals you enjoy to complete the passing year and welcome the new one. Make time for it. It’s been a big year for women: started with the largest-ever peaceful citizen’s march, by and for women. Rising of the Priestess archetype and Temples being born. Ended with #MeToo and on-going revelations of sexual misconduct. It’s been a doozy: a big transition as a collective. We’re in a time of revisioning… Seems as a culture we’re stripping

{Simple Practice} Ways to Review, Reflect, Refresh2018-02-22T21:40:37+00:00
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