Are You Ready For A Quantum Leap?


I wiggle and squirm as I attempt to sit in meditation this morning. Some days it’s easier than others to do my morning practices. Why do I want to open my email more than I want to connect in stillness and silence with the Divine? Why does it seem so difficult sometimes? I know the inevitable result when I don’t: fear, worry, darkness and confusion about my path, my life—dreary moods. I settle in and allow myself to being present in my body—my breath slows too. My mind follows. I hear the voice of my higher guidance, “Be still, your

Are You Ready For A Quantum Leap?2014-02-27T13:00:31+00:00

Art As A Spiritual Practice in Grants Pass!


Hello Lovelies~ Since you're in Oregon, we’ve got an opportunity to shift and expand your creative thinking, to activate your muse and rejuvenate your weary soul. Get your creative sparks ignited in an evening of art and performance: music, poetry, movies and more. Then the next day dive into a day-long workshop designed to cross a threshold into your own deep wisdom. Come to one or both! Friday, March 14,  6:30-9 pm PT The Word, The Image, The Story--Evening of Art/Performance with Jan Phillips and Claire Sierra An evening immersion in creativity -- a book signing with film, art, photography,

Art As A Spiritual Practice in Grants Pass!2014-02-27T12:45:03+00:00

The Practice: Rev-Up Your Holy Desire–an excerpt from The Magdalene Path


As we swing into winter and our annual time of reflection and review, (see above!) it's easy to take stock of what we've created, making lists and stacking up accomplishments and accolades. And that's helpful. But sometimes we lose track of what we truly yearn for along the way. This process, from chapter 6 of The Magdalene Path, has been moving in me lately, so I share it with you. It's not your typical "end of year review" process, but a different take on "planning", by looking into what's calling to you from your future. Let me know how it

The Practice: Rev-Up Your Holy Desire–an excerpt from The Magdalene Path2013-12-06T19:41:41+00:00

Footsteps on the Path of Joy


I've been moving through some big breakthroughs, these past few weeks. How 'bout you? I'm leaning in to what works for me  (See Getting Your Groove Back-Time Tested Tricks, Tools and Totems) It's been week of big reflections in my world that have made it really apparent that even when things look good, I'm not there to enjoy them. I'm so focused on what I need to do to be successful in the future, that I am virtually MISSING my NOW. Freedom (c) 2013 Claire Sierra, MA I'm so busy trying to get to some nameless "there" that

Footsteps on the Path of Joy2013-09-20T13:42:20+00:00

The Magdalene Path is being born….


I really am in the final edit of The Magdalene Path. The cover is updated (again!) and near completed. The subtitle is changed too:  Awaken the Power of Your Feminine Soul. These things have their own timing. I'm not totally in control. How Divine Feminine is that? I've finally surrendered judging myself for how the process is NOT going. I'm in-joying what is. (Which is a lot!) We've been  busy editing, designing bookmarks and CREATING A NEW WEBSITE!!! Here's sneak peek. Check out When you go there, you can download a juicy preview chapter from the book, that reveals

The Magdalene Path is being born….2013-09-14T16:05:16+00:00

Getting Your Groove Back


These last few weeks have been feeling pretty funky at Bliss Breakthrough. Ironic? Yeah. Recently it's felt like life is moving in retrograde motion -- not really moving backwards, but not moving forward either. Trips, projects, plans stall or start to fall apart. Bleh. And I hear this from others, too.... What happens for you when things start to go sideways? How do you cope? How do you get your groove back? You know:divine alignment, flow, timing, grace, and ease.... Lately I've been leaning in to what works for me. Like its an extreme sport. I realized there are a

Getting Your Groove Back2013-09-11T15:59:50+00:00

Are you Doing Your Being?!


I had a great realization the other day, while relaxing into a Reiki energy treatment. I’ve shared previously that I’m writing a book on the Awakening of the Divine Feminine. This started in 2009 and frankly,  it wasn’t really my idea. I was called. Mary Magdalene started speaking to me in my morning meditation and writing practices (part of the True Purpose Coaching process). What I haven’t shared is that this divine guidance hasn’t always been going so well. The writing has flowed but I have been resistant to the message. And lately, the editing and crafting of this material

Are you Doing Your Being?!2011-08-22T17:22:05+00:00

Tuning in to Burnout


It seems the masculine model most of us have adapted to fit in and get along successfully in society is effective at getting us ahead, but sucking the lifeblood out of us. So despite the fact that we are in these caring roles, they are somehow robbing our Souls.

Tuning in to Burnout2011-08-22T17:16:02+00:00
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