
Embodying the New Eve + Insider Invite


What if We Got Her Story All Wrong?   With autumn upon us, thoughts turn to changing leaves and Fall Harvest….apples, pumpkins, etc.  How timely that Bella Mia magazine has just released our latest issue, The Truth About Eve, featuring that iconic apple-wielder herself. (With a gorgeous photo of Southern Oregon's Renee Jeffus on the cover—yum!) So I wanted to send you my article, Embodying the New Eve, (which I’ve excerpted for you below). It's by far the most edgy confrontation of traditional beliefs that I’ve written for mainstream press. It excites and terrifies meto share it with you. This whole issue really bumps up against cultural

Embodying the New Eve + Insider Invite2015-10-08T08:00:59+00:00

This was so cool…and brought tears of relief


A Process for Flourishing in Your Soul-Centered Life and Work Do you ever get signs from nature? I’m guessing you do. Is the answer clear or do you wonder what it means? I have to share a cool story—something that just happened the other day that brought tears of relief. And it points to a solution to your own guidance clarity process. I was sitting outside on a late summer morning, watching a great video training about feminine wisdom as the new paradigm in business today. (Yes! Finally!) This shaman/coach related how the feminine way of connecting to nature is a powerful

This was so cool…and brought tears of relief2015-09-27T08:27:48+00:00

Is it Self Indulgent or a Radical Act?


Why Self Love and Self Care Are Radical Ah Autumn Equinox. Poised in the balance of light and dark, a perfect time to reflect on balance in our lives and work. Fall used to mean rest after the busy harvest, a slower pace, time to shift gears and start the turn inward. Are the cooler shorter days signalling you to slow down? All around me women I'm talking to are mentioning needing more self-care and self-love. When was the last time you stopped and took some time for you? Why is this a such a radical challenge for so many? Historically,

Is it Self Indulgent or a Radical Act?2015-09-23T20:30:39+00:00

How to Love How You Look, (No Matter What)


The body and how we look is such a source of conflict for many women. It seems we can’t live with it and we can’t live without it. We are compellingly drawn to beauty: in ourselves, in others, in things, in life. Sometimes women are scorned as superficial for this pursuit, but I’ve come to recognize this as an intrinsic soul quality of the Feminine, which is why we are so enchanted by it. Many of us are blind to our own beauty, though. We’ve been conditioned to believe so many things about our own value and worth—many of which

How to Love How You Look, (No Matter What)2015-09-13T16:47:00+00:00

A big ‘Aha’ for me, awesome free magazine for you


A New Look! Do you ever have moments when something pops so clearly into your awareness that’sso obvious you can’t see how you missed it before? I had a moment like that the other day. So, for a long time you’ve told me you love the downloads from Mary Magdalene, and that the inspiration and timely themes strike a resonant chord.  And that you’re interested in themes of connecting with (living in!) Feminine Soul, your own higher guidance to get your own downloads.  Maybe you even want to write a book from that! So I’ve held that as the next

A big ‘Aha’ for me, awesome free magazine for you2015-08-13T20:44:24+00:00

The Key to Long Life, Vitality, Love and Abundance


Create Your Life of Purpose in 21 Days If you've been connected to me for any length of time you know how passionate I am about helping women (and men) connect with their divine guidance so you have clarity about who you really are and what you're meant to be and do in your life here. Lately that seems more urgent than ever. Recently I was asked to join Brandon Peale and the exciting PlanetPurpose Team, to help create a world where all 7.3 billion people are living our purpose. How could I say no?! Would you like to find

The Key to Long Life, Vitality, Love and Abundance2015-07-27T12:05:17+00:00

Have You Lost Your Passion?


Who Are YOU Becoming? Well it finally happened. The move after 20 years, selling of our home (not quite complete yet)  and the transition into ownership of The Balch Hotel. But not without a bit of difficulty. On moving day as we unloaded the truck I injured myself: broke 2 toes, stitches, mangled toenail--kind of a rough passage. Oh how I resist being injured! Trying to unpack was a gnarly challenge in a soft cast and 4 flights of stairs. I've spent lots of time just being here, healing and listening. Great lessons, but frustrating still! Perhaps this is what we

Have You Lost Your Passion?2015-07-24T11:53:58+00:00

Have You Lost Your Passion?


The Good News: We Survived It It's been quiet around here. Thank you for supporting our IndieGoGo Crowdfunding campaign!! We raised over $4200. Woo Hoo! It was a huge effort and I've been recuperating AND planning our move North. Even if you gave no $$, you gave in other ways and I see you. Wow--do you ever find that things don't work the way you expect or think they should? That's been me lately. I'm using all the tools in my toolbox and then some--it's been an incredibly fruitful journey. Magdalene Mysteries are moving and Feminine Soul continues to guide

Have You Lost Your Passion?2015-05-29T22:18:45+00:00

Last Chance + 5 Big Lessons for Creating YOUR Dream


5 Big Takeaways for Creating Your Dreams It’s the last day of our Boost the Balch to Brilliance crowdfunding campaign. (Ends Midnight PST May 7) We’ve had over 35 participants support our dream and vision. With donations from $10 to $500, it’s amazing to feel the support. We raised close to $3000 dollars!! And wow what a wild ride. In the past month we’ve sold the house, lost the sale; received, rejected and revised the hotel sale and partnership agreement, with moving dates that collapsed and revived. Like phoenix from ashes. It’s been a true Shero’s Journey to move through

Last Chance + 5 Big Lessons for Creating YOUR Dream2015-05-07T22:28:57+00:00

{It’s Here} Boost the Balch to Brilliance Ends at MIDNITE


Last Call for Creating Dreams With Us Look, I don't want to be annoying, I just know how busy life can get and the likelihood that you wanted to contribute but may not have yet gotten around to it. So here's your "last call" friendly reminder. It’s the waning moments of our Boost the Balch to Brilliance crowdfunding campaign. (Ends Midnight PST May 7)  The support we've gotten has been amazing. Are you one of them? Thank you! We’ve had approx. 40 participants from 5 countries support our dream and vision. With donations from $10 to $500, it’s awesome to

{It’s Here} Boost the Balch to Brilliance Ends at MIDNITE2015-05-07T18:55:03+00:00
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